Attempting To Trust

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The sunlit living room filled my thoughts with serenity. While MacGyver occupied himself with an experiment involving the names of chemical formulas I had never heard of, I watered the bouquet of lotus flowers in the vase I found beneath the sink. I was infatuated with each crevice and angle that came together to form such a handsome face. MacGyver's eyes were squinted through his safety glasses, brows furrowing softly as he poured liquids into a glass beaker.

"H2O," I smiled, proud I knew the formula for water... Even if it was common knowledge. Taking one last whiff of my flowers, I went to sit on the leather couch.

The ping of a phone sounded.

"Hey, can you get that?" MacGyver asked, focused on his work.

I leaned toward the coffee table, staring at the phone's home screen. I felt self-conscious doing so, as if I were violating his privacy. Although nobody had ever mentioned it, I was nervous to find the message from a possible girl he's dating.

I read the text aloud, "Get your...A-word over here."

A long sigh escaped his lips before standing up, "That's Matty". Removing his lab coat, he questioned, "Ass?" He translated my avoidance of the word, "You don't swear?"

"Not really," Swearing always felt awkward to me, especially if people were listening. I only ever head curses when my parents yelled at me, so I just avoided it altogether.

"Do you need anything before we go?" He said, packing up his experiment.

I shook my head in response.


The car ride to the Phoenix had my heart pounding. I continuously forced my eyes away from the kind man, distracted by his veined hands as he gripped the steering wheel. The euphoric curve of his nose and jawline enchanted me, he was a perfectly carved statue that held nothing but a peaceful dominance. The type where the presence in the room changed as he entered, but not one to fear. He filled me with excitement and a strong sense of acceptance. MacGyver was hand-crafted to perfection.

"Mac, we're keeping Eliza here for this mission. She'll be with Riley while you go with Jack, per usual." Matilda Webber's command snapped me from my daze of adoration for the man.

I clasped my arms around MacGyver's elbow, as if he could disappear at any second. I stared at the paper clip he fidgeted with, bending it to his will.

"Did I do something wrong?" My last mission hadn't gone to plan, but it was successful. Had I said or done something that Matilda did not appreciate? Was I disrespectful?

"No Eliza, quite the opposite. You've done very well and you bounce back quickly. However, this mission is too intense for your skill set. I don't want to risk your safety, again." Matty reassured.

I nodded, maintaining a fabricated smile. I wasn't going to convince my way into this mission. I just had to trust, like MacGyver wanted.

Matty explained the rest of the mission's details to the two men. Jack was the immature father-like figure, while MacGyver was the all-knowing boy-scout. I enjoyed watching the duo socialize, constantly jabbing each other with jokes and playful fists.

The two men were dismissed and MacGyver briskly approached me.

"If all goes well, I should be back later to day." He had a small upward curve to his lips.

My leg bobbed on the chair I was in, "see you soon."

He lowered himself, eye-level with me, resting his hand on my knee. "I'm not leaving you. I'll be back, I promise."

It took everything in my power not to appear flustered by his touch, "Thank you".

With that, MacGyver and Jack pranced their way out the door. Jack already complaining of MacGyver's lack of style as he always seemed to wear his rust-coloured leather jacket.

I sat next to Riley in a large cushioned chair. Her slender fingers tapped away at the laptop on her lap. Deep in thought, she brushed the natural curls from her face and into a clip. A burgundy tint coloured the tips of her hair, complimenting her brown eyes and caramel skin.

"How is living with Mac and Bozer? Bozer offered me to live with them when I was looking for a place, but I don't think I would've survived his corny pick-up lines." Riley chuckled to herself, an inside joke I assumed.

"I really like it, I haven't talked much with Bozer because of my androphobia, but spending time with MacGyver is amazing, he's amazing." I smiled.

"So how does that work? Fearing men, but not MacGyver." She explained.

"Honestly," I watched as her hands typed mindlessly on the keyboard. "He's the one man I'm not scared of for some reason. I've never had someone like MacGyver, but I'm glad I do now."

"I'm glad Mac's got you, too. I can't even think of the last time he talked to a girl, other than me."

"He doesn't have a girlfriend?" I regretted the question as a knowing-look crossed Riley's features.

"Nope, hasn't had one for over a year."

I attempted to keep the butterflies in my stomach, frozen. But the thought of having a chance with MacGyver warmed my insides and their wings came flapping up my rib cage.

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