New Beginnings

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3rd Person

Y/N: "God?... you're God!??"

God: "Yes, my son, unfortunately you have died while in the line of duty."

Y/N: "Wait.... this is where you send me to heaven or hell.. right?.... I- I know I wasn't the most faithful person, but..."

God: "Calm yourself, you won't be going to heaven or hell. However, there is a world in danger, and I've chosen you to help it."

Y/N: "A-another world??..."

God: "Yes, said world is called Teyvat. The world of Teyvat has a current number of 7 Nations, Mondstadt, Liyue, Inazuma, Sumeru, Fontaine, Natlan, and Snezhnaya each nation represents one of the world's elements. Anemo for Wind, Geo for Earth, Electro for Lightning, Dendro for Nature, and I'm confident you can guess the rest."

Y/N: "W-wow..." Was all Y/N could muster out as he was extremely overwhelmed. Never in a million years would be think he'd be chosen to be sent to another world entirely. "B-but why me?... I mean? You could've chosen any of the 7 billion people on Earth."

God: "Because, you are the one human with the resolve to finish this journey. Trust your God when I say this. You have my full 100% confidence that YOU, can finish for what I have for you."

Y/N: "B-but how can I?? You've chosen the wrong-"

Y/N would be cut off as a brilliant light emmites from the Biblical God, as he spoke in a commanding yet soft and caring tone.

God: "Who created the very universe you reside in?! Who made man's mouth!? The mute talk, the deaf hear, and the blind see!?? Who defeated the jaws of death so that YOU could live again! Was it not I? Now go!!"

Teyvat's 5th Descender (Genshin Impact x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now