Unfamiliar Bots

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Bumblebee POV

As the blue bot gave me something they call "Energon" I was starting to feel like I don't know where I am, but all I know is this blue bot is really nice! And something about that red and blue bot makes me feel like family.

Arcee POV

As I gave Bee the Energon, I noticed something wrong... he constantly starts to be afraid of the other bots except me and Optimus, its like he is starting to lose his memories... could the relic be the reason of this? I don't want to risk loosing him again... "Hey Ratchet? Did you find any antidote yet? Bee is starting to act weird... as if he is losing his mind to a sparkling..."

Ratchet POV

Bee is starting to act really weird around the others bots, including me, except for Arcee and Optimus, but I know already that Optimus is Bee's sire... but we are the only ones who know about it... and we keep it a secret, for everyone's safety.

Optimus POV

"SIREEE!!!!!" Everyone froze and time seemed like it was slow, as we started to regain our senses, Smokescreen stood up and said "Um, Optimus? Did Bee just call you sire?" Yes, uh but I think it was a mistake-" "What are you talking about? Of course you're my sire!" "Optimus, can I talk with you?"

In a private room

"Optimus we have to tell them! The secret will be revealed sooner or later!" Ratchet said, "I know... that's why we have to hold it for a little while longer! I can't risk putting them in danger Ratchet... please understand" Optimus said, Ratchet sighed then said, "Fine, but promise me you will tell them later" "Tell us what?" They looked down and saw Miko, "Scrap..."



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