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"What happewn two mwe?"



Arcee POV

I hesitated, knowing that when I tell him, he's going to be really sad, "Uhm y-you became a s-sparkling B-bee"

Bumblebee POV

"Uhm y-you became a s-sparkling B-bee" I heard... I started to tear up, knowing that I have to start my life all over again, then I screeched.

Optimus POV

I was lying in my berth quietly, thinking about Bee, then I heard something screeching, I ran to the med, thinking Bee might have gotten hurt, turns out it was just Bee crying, "Arcee, why is Bumblebee crying?" Arcee replied "Um Optimus sir, I just told him that he became a sparkling..." "Oh...Please try to calm him down, he might wake the others, its already midnight" "Of course Optimus" 

 Arcee POV

Optimus went back to his berth, while I tried to calm Bee down. "Hey hey Bee, don't worry, Ratchet is going to find a cure for you to be back into your normal size again in the morning, I hope..., anyways, you better get some more recharge Bee, oh wait... he's already recharging.... goodnight Bee."

One Cycle Later...

Arcee POV

"Good morning Bee... what?" He's eating the data pad... Ratchet is already awake, I'm gonna ask him what's with Bee  "Hey Ratchet! Um... what's with Bee today?" He ignored me, it looks like he's busy with something... "Um Ratchet?" "Not Now!" Well that was rude... "I'm trying to find out what's with Bee today! HE WAS EATING MY WRENCH WHEN I WOKE UP!" It seems like Ratchet is in a bad mood today... better not mess with him before he throws me a wrench- 


*In a sparkling mind* Aww this block thingy taste no good, Im hungwy, ooh whats that! *looks at Arcee's leg* It looks yummy! *bites her leg* "OW WHAT WAS THAT!?? IT FELT LIKE A SCRAPLET!" "Oh... Bee, are you hungry?" *Nods* "Oh so thats why you were eating stuff, just next time, don't eat my legs..." "Sowwy"


It kinda feels like a Cliffhanger but here it is! Sorry if late... I was lazy 😅

349 Word Count!

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