"Is that so. And who are these so called witnesses if I may asked". Lan Qiren asked with a voice bordering on anger. "We are not at liberty to say. As they do not want to be named at this moment. As the Chief Cultivator is here present we would like to request a trail to be held so that he can prove his innocence. Maybe one month from today at Jingling Tower so that he can have a change to prove his innocence". Smiley once again spoke. "Well it seems that you all came prepared. So here is my response to your request. My ward will not be accused of something he did not do nor will he attend a trail. You have come into my home and throw accusations around without prove or evidence. You talked about witnesses and yet you cannot name one. Fengmian I expected better from you. You let yourself to believe that my ward would go so far as to curse your wife when he has been part of Gusulan for years now. She had beaten him half to death and not once did you stand up for him. So now you come in here with these fabricated story with a person whom I do not know nor do I care to know him. I have indulge you for too long.  I would appreciate it if you leave now and do not set your foot in Gusu or my sect again. Sect Leader Jin I know that you are still young so let me give you a piece of advice. Be careful who you trust and let close to you. Not everyone has your best interests at heart. Snakes can shake their skins but they will remain snakes". Jin Zixuan just hanged his head and stood up. He bowed and turned to leave. He doesn't even know why he is here really. Soon the others follows but not before Fengmian gave his last words." This is not the last time you will hear from us Lan Qiren. I will have justice for my wife's death". Then he walked out leaving the five men to seeth in anger. "I have to say he has guts to say that. That half brother of the Jin sect Leader I do not trust him. He is up to something. I would not be surprised if he is the one who has started this". Mingjue voiced. "He is too calm. It's almost like he wanted to test us. See how much we were willing to say or seeing what our weaknesses are". Wen Rouhan said. "We need to be careful not only of him but the Jiang sect heir as well. I do not see anything good coming from this". Xichen voiced. "We need to be prepared for anything from this day forward. I believe they will get as many on their sides. As it seems now an attack will be unavoidable". Lan Qiren said while stroking his beard.
"Why did you not tell them that A-Ying gave birth during their deaths". Mingjue asked. "I wanted too but thought the better of it. I do not want to give them ideas in kidnapped one or both of my great nephews ". Lan Qiren answers. They all went quite after that. They have alot to do and discussed. If it should come to a fight they need to be ready.

In the jingshi. "What do you think they wanted". Wen Ning asked the group. "Who knows. This is just giving me a headache. Whatever it is it will be nothing good that I can assure you". Wen Qing answers. A soft knock was heard and A-Sang stood up to open the door. A disciple stood there and bowed." Lan loashi send me to inform you all that he is waiting for you in the receiving hall". He said and bowed again after said thank you. A-Sang turns around and walked back inside. "We are needed in the receiving hall". He informs them. A-Ying asked Wen Popo if she could stay with the twins and she immediately said yes. After that they all left making their way towards the receiving hall. They walked in silence. A-Ying holding Lan Zhan's hand and he gave it a reassuring squeeze. He looks up and gave him a smile. As they enter and took their seat Lan Qiren waves his hand and the door closes. He looks at the youngsters before him and his eyes lingers on A-Ying for a while before he starts to speaks. He told them everything that was said and also about the accusations made against A-Ying. Shocked gasps came from them and Lan Zhan's scent flares as he was consume with anger and rage. "They dare accuse my mate of something he did not do. Who do they think they are?". He spoke with a loud voice. "Lan Zhan you have to calm down. They are just trying to lure us out. We can not be hasty. They have played there cards now we have to prepare ourselves for whatever they come up with next. But one thing they should know I will not sit idly by and let them accuse me of crimes I have not commit or have a hand in. If we have to we will fight them". A-Ying said. Lan Zhan turns to him and said. "A-Ying I will not loose you and I will not let these people go without punishment for long. I do not care if I have to kill them. I will do it without a doubt and without any conscience. They are now attacking what belongs to Lan Zhan and Wanji and we will not sit by and let them hurt you or our children. Do you hear me A-Ying. I love you all too much to loose you". He slowly rain his scent in and stood up and walked out. "Lan Zhan where are you going. Do not do anything reckless please. Do not forget what is out there. We do not know if they know about or already have it in their possession". Lan Qiren said with a stern voice but Lan Zhan paid his uncle no mind. A-Ying sprang up and run after his mate catching up with him as he made his way to the cold springs.

Everyone was left shocked in the hall. They had not seen Lan Zhan this angry. Wen Rouhan was still looking at the door where the two walked through. Fenhua also looked at the door his parents just walked through. They will need him in this fight. He needs to learn how to fight and quickly by the looks of things. He stood up and walked infront of his uncle's and then he bow. The five was confused but before anyone could speak. Fenhua spoke first. "This one have a request and I hope that my family would not deny me this one". "What is it Fenhua?". Xichen asked. "I would like for Wen Zhuliu to train me in how to fight so I can also help to protect my family". He said stil standing in a bow. They all looked at each other before Wen Rouhan said. "When do you want to start Fenhua". Fenhua answered.
"Right now if it is not a problem uncle Rouhan". Wen Rouhan clap his hands and said." Wen Zhuliu you heard the boy. Go the both of you". Fenhua came out of his bow and thanked him as Wen Zhuliu made his way towards him. Xichen and Mingjue also stood up and followed them. Soon the other three also made their way towards the training grounds. Xichen gave Fenhua a training sword to start with. Wen Zhuliu showed him how stand and move. How to place his feet and how to swing his sword. They quickly learned that Fenhua was a quick study and not long he was dancing with Wen Zhuliu on the training grounds. Xichen and Mingjue joins in and soon Fenhua mix all three styles and making it his own. They were shocked but really at this point they should not be not after everything that had happened concerning this young man. Wen Ning moved to the archery field and starts to practice his shooting in earnest. Lan Qiren, Wen Rouhan and Wen Xu had join them by now. Wen Xu made his on the training grounds and join the others. The disciples saw the dedication that's being shown and they also join soon the training grounds was filled with training disciples. Lan Qiren and Wen Rouhan watch on with pride and satisfaction on their faces.

"Lan Zhan why did you come here?". A-Ying asked. "It is time we starts training again A-Ying. We have been sitting still for way to long. We have became lacks and now danger are at our doorstep". Lan Zhan said as he looks at his mate. He then starts to take of his robes and folded them neatly and sat it aside as he made his way into the water. Once he reached the middle he lowered himself down into the water and sat in lotus position closing his eyes and starts to meditate and regulate his spiritual energy. A-Ying watch his mate for a few minutes before he also starts to take his robes off and disgard them right their and then. He made his way towards his mate. Teeth chattering from the cold water. When he was in reached he lowered himself and also took a lotus position. Trying to find a more comfortable position he became fidgeting. "A-Ying use your spiritual energy to circulate through you body. Then you won't feel the coldness of the spring water. Doing as told soon he was sitting still while regulating his spiritual energy and breathing. They meditate and use the energy off the spring to move through them and around them. They did not know how long they were there. Not until Lan Zhan felt a heaviness on his shoulder and when he opened his eyes and looked down he saw A-Ying fast asleep. He gave a small smile before he slowly turns and maneuvered himself so not to destrurb his mate and then picked him up and walked towards where their robes were laying. He laid him down on the grass and put his robes on and threw his outer robes over his mate and made his way towards the jingshi. When he enters Wen Popo looked up and gave him a small smile he nods his head and walked towards the sleeping area. He laid his mate down and stripped him from his wet clothes and put dry sleeping robes on him and threw a quilt over him. He walked back into the seating area and thanked Wen Popo for looking after the twins to which she replied that it was no problem. He bid her good night and took the twins and laid them in their crib. Fenhua did not arrived long after tired from the days training bid his father goodnight and went straight to bed. Lan Zhan change his clothes and put his sleeping robes on and climb into bed next to A-Ying. He pulled him close into his embrace,place a kiss on his forehead and wave his hand and the candles went out. He closes his eyes and went to sleep.

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