Chapter Eight

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Elizabeth's dreams were filled with a swirling dance of memories and fantasies, the line between the two blurring like the edges of a watercolour painting. Fragments of her past and glimpses of the future she hoped to embrace played out in a kaleidoscope of colours and emotions. Time seemed to lose its grip in this dreamlike state, and for a moment, she felt weightless, free from the constraints of history.

But eventually, the dreamscape gave way to a gradual awareness of the real world. The warmth of the fire crackling nearby, the occasional creaking of the wooden floor, and the comfort of the hay mattress beneath her—it all began to filter into her senses. Elizabeth's eyes fluttered open, adjusting to the soft, dim light that permeated her room.

As she stretched and yawned, she noticed how the events of the previous day seemed both distant and vivid, as if they had been woven into the fabric of her being. She could almost hear Joan's tales echoing in the corners of her mind, and Thomas's enigmatic smile seemed to linger in the air. With a wistful smile of her own, she turned her gaze to the crooked mirror on the wall, her thoughts momentarily drifting to the dress she had worn on that fateful night.

Just as her mind began to engage in more conscious musings, there came a gentle knock on her door. Startled, Elizabeth quickly sat up, her heart beating a little faster. "Who could that be?" she wondered aloud, a mixture of curiosity and caution coursing through her veins.

Without waiting for her reply, the door swung open, revealing a young woman standing in the doorway. She had a warm smile on her face, framed by a cascade of chestnut curls. The woman's attire was simple yet elegant, a reflection of the rustic charm that seemed to envelop Brighthemston.

"Good morning," the woman greeted, her voice soft and soothing. "I hope you slept well, Ma'am. My name is Clara. I work here at the inn."

Elizabeth returned the smile, feeling a sense of immediate ease in Clara's presence. "Good morning, Clara. I did sleep quite well, thank you."

Clara's gaze fell upon Elizabeth's dress, her expression understanding. "I see you had a bit of an adventure yesterday. Would you like a bath to refresh yourself?"

The mere suggestion of a bath was met with a surge of gratitude from Elizabeth. She realized that the salty residue from the sea and the beer stains on her dress were still clinging to her skin. "Oh, a bath sounds absolutely wonderful, thank you."

Clara's smile widened. "Excellent! I've already started heating water for you. If you'd like, I can bring in a tub and some warm water right away."

Elizabeth nodded eagerly. "That would be lovely, thank you."

With practised efficiency, Clara manoeuvred a metal tub into the room, placing it near the fire. She carefully poured water from a metal jug into the tub and then positioned it atop the fire to warm it. The flames flickered and danced, casting playful shadows on the walls.

As the water began to heat, a sense of comfort settled over Elizabeth. The mere thought of soaking in warm water was a luxury she had missed since leaving the ship. The contrast between her previous life and her current situation was stark, yet she couldn't help but appreciate the richness that Brighthemston had to offer.

With the tub nearly ready, Clara turned to Elizabeth. "It won't take long now. I'll just step out and give you some privacy. Just let me know when you're ready to step in."

"Thank you, Clara," Elizabeth said with a grateful smile.

Clara exited the room, leaving Elizabeth alone with her thoughts once again. As the steam from the heated water began to rise, Elizabeth couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation building within her. The events of the previous day had been unexpected and exhilarating, and she had a feeling that her journey in Brighthemston was far from over. With renewed excitement, she stood up from the hay mattress and approached the inviting warmth of the bath that awaited her.

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