Trapped Part 38

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"I remember. So many girls. So many friends lost along the way. So many dead bodies every day, in and out. The smell. The view. Prod had maybe 150 tops. Ray...maybe 175. Roc had 200+. sure you wanna hear this?" Kennedy looked at me.

I thought for a minute. "Yeah."

"Prince had 300 girls minimum. He's the one who basically kept the place running." Kennedy looked at me with sorrow.

"I remember all of the friends I of the other boys from the other ports killed them all. They were in this scandal. Planning to escape, stole food and supplies, even guns and shit. Soon as he found out, they went straight to the incinerator. No questions asked." Allison looked down.

"Wait...if that's how it was back then, what the hell happened between then and now?" I scrunched my eyebrows together while parting another row of Grace's hair.

"Oh...the break down of the business. Since Prince was basically keeping the place up, when he found you, he couldnt keep up with his girls and you. So he spent all of his time watching you. Was just a matter of time before he went to your school and getting a better view. Just a matter of time before money wouldn't be made. His girls tried to escape and began.acting up since he was gone, they got killed and sent to the crematorium. The others died of hunger and dehydration. Natural causes. The only people who knew about his whereabouts were Roc, Prod, and Ray. When the others found out, they decided to try and come after him."Allison stared into mid space, going deep into thought.

"Then we were just gonna come down here, but one of the girls got loose. A white brunette. Green eyes. Smart. Name is uh..." Alexandria tried to remember.

"CHANDLER!" Kennedy pooped up.

"CHANDLER! Right! She escaped. Roc was first to know about it since it was one of his girls. So just in case she made it to civilization, he got his girls, Ray's girls, and Prod's girls, their belongings, and he lit the place up and locked it from the outside so just in case a girl happened to make it to the exit, they wouldn't escape either. He didn't feel bad about burning the other niggas alive because they were already tryna put a hit out on em. They went to go to their houses, but it was way too many girls, so...they picked out their favorites. Killed the rest off in a field couple miles from here. And Prince had his eye on you, so he killed most of his girls but saved his favorites and gave them to Roc, Prod, and Ray. Me being one of them. The other ones of his favorites died." Alex explained.

"Wait, favorite girls for what? What made them their favorites?" I asked, begining the middle section of her hair.

"Favorite girls to have sex with. How big their boobs and butts were, how tight they were, hire clean, how old, how well they fought back. He liked it when I fought back and cried. He was way worse than Roc is now. Don't you see? They ran a sex slave shop. Still partially do." Alexandria looked down, twiddling with her thumbs.

"Word is Roc is suppose to be getting a new girl. She's under observation right now. Her name is Kalyn." Hope shook her head. "If only she knew what she was in for..."

"Grace...what's his obsession with you?" I asked her.

"I don't know." She spoke quietly.

"I know what. Her body shape, her sex, her attitude, the fact that she listens. But she gets beat the most. New girls usually do, with Grace being the newest arrival, but it's another reason. She listens, so all of the anger and stress he builds up on you, he takes out on her the quickest chance he can get." Jojo looked at Grace. Grace looked down.

"Oh my gosh. You must hate me." I put the blowdryer down and looked at her.

"No, no. It's fine." She reassured me.

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