Chapter 5 - Day 2 part 1 (18+?)

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"I know you're here, I can smell you." He says giving off a low growl. His hand reached back for another ice shard, ready to impale anything in the way. 

I only have two options. 

Either get exposed for being a pervert. Or risk getting blasted in the face. 

I'm leaning toward the second option at this point. I'm knee-deep in this mess, might as well end it all with nothing to be ashamed of. Death will be instant as long as he aims for my head... hopefully. 

I breathe in trying to collect myself. Let's just get this over with. 

He starts forming his shard getting ready to launch it in my direction again. "Last chance" 

Before he gets to it, I slowly remove the spell. I try to cover my body as much as possible with my towel. I know I'm a man but, showing anything other than my arms and legs feels downright embarrassing. 

His expression changes from annoyed to shocked. He's surprised at my current situation.

"Y/N? What are you doing here?" He asks. He doesn't look embarrassed, if anything, he's crossing his arms confused as to why I was hiding. "Also what are you doing trying to sneak around me?"

The voices in my head are screaming with embarrassment as I try to make up a quick excuse. What was there to make an excuse for? Nothing.

"oh uh, I forgot my clothes and the ones that I had were dirty so I cleaned them". I might as well tell the truth. I just can't catch a break. 

He looks at me confused, wondering why I'm trying to sneak past him. I don't wait for his response as I keep walking towards torrent. During the little scuffle, he got scared and hid behind some bushes. For once I'm glad he knew one of the mannerisms I taught him. It was always annoying having your horse just run off for being scared or just not moving during a fight. 

I don't turn back to look at Blaidd, I can't deal with this right now. This is stupid.

I get my fresh clothes and stuff the wet ones in a special bag. [ you can think of any type of clothing you'd like, I'm not gonna get too deep into clothes unless I need to so THINK AWAY!] 

I'm gonna have to explain myself soon, it's not like you can't have some questions about what I was doing.  Once I got done getting dressed, I waited for Blaidd to finish up. I still have his body engraved into my mind. For a wolf, it's weird having similar anatomical features as me. 

I wonder if...

"Hey Y/n, are you ok". Blaidd walks towards torrent, still damp from the water but fully dressed in his tan clothing.

I slowly walk around torrent, dreading the conversation that's gonna take place. 

"Yea I'm fine" I turn my gaze away feeling anxious about what he's gonna say. Suddenly I'm bombarded with questions. 


"Yes, I'm fine, nothing wrong," I say trying to keep up with these quick questions

There's a pause, silence filling the air. 

"Why were you sneaking passed me? Did I do something wrong?" He asks walking towards me, looking me up and down. He's worried as always.

"I forgot my clothes and I didn't want you to see me" I cringe at what I said. Probably the most insecure thing I've said. It's stupid, I'm realizing now I could've just walked passed him instead of staying back and listening to his conversation with Ranni. 

Blaidd x Male reader (Back in progress!)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt