The Armoury

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You arrive at the house viewing with 5 minutes to spare so you and Alessia get out of the car and walk up the driveway to have a closer look at the house. It was a three story town house with an open plan kitchen dining room and a huge set of glass bifold doors at the back that lead onto a sizeable garden. It was quite similar to Alessia's current house which is why you both loved it so much. The estate agent pulled onto the drive and got out breaking your gaze away from the house.
"Good afternoon Miss Russo, Miss Y/L/N. My name is Melanie, ready to go inside?" She produced a set of keys from her blazer pocket and you looked at Alessia who smiled.
"We're ready." You say confidently. Alessia entwines her fingers with yours as you follow Melanie into the house.
The hallway was long and you could see the living room and patio doors as you peered down the end of it.
"Will this be your first house together?" Melanie asked.
"Yeah. We're moving from Manchester." Alessia said.
"You're a lioness aren't you? I watched the Euros last year, that backheel was class." Melanie said smiling at Alessia who shifted and leaned into you.
"Thank you. It was an amazing tournament."  She said smiling.
"I'll let you both wonder around, I'll be in the kitchen if you have any questions afterwards, is that okay?" Melanie asked.
"Of course. Thank you." You pull Alessia into the living room by the hand so you could both look into the garden. It was massive.
Afterwards you clambered up the stairs to look at the bedrooms and the bathrooms, it was a beautiful house.
"There's something I should probably say." Alessia stopped in the doorway of what would be your bedroom.
"What?" You ask, your heart thumping.
"We only have to pay the bills for this place. Arsenal have agreed to house me because I don't live in London and this was a property they sent me so we don't have to pay rent." Alessia spoke quietly and watched your eyes light up.
"No way! What and I can live with you?" You stutter.
"Yeah. It was part of my contract." She smiles widely as you pull her into a tight hug.
"Less, this is incredible." You kiss her firmly on the lips.
"Shall we go and tell her we want it?" She asks taking your hands in hers.
"Absolutely. I was so worried it was going to be a hell of a lot more expensive living in London." You say as you walk down the stairs in front.
"Well you don't have to worry about that anymore, we're going to be fine." Alessia rubs your shoulders as you reach the bottom of the stairs and you both walk into the kitchen hand in hand to speak to Melanie.
"So, what do you think?" Melanie asks.
"We love it. It's a yes." Alessia says confidently.
"Amazing. Well, I'll get back to the office and draw up the paperwork. Other than that I'll be in contact with you to arrange picking up the keys!" She says and extends a hand for you to shake in turn.
"Thank you so much." You say shaking her hand.
"No worries, have a lovely evening." You walk out the front door with Alessia feeling elated. When you get back in the car Alessia squeals and hugs you.
"I love that house so much. It's so us." She says.
"We can make it our home." You say, Alessia's eyes sparkling with happiness as you place a long kiss on her lips.
"Let's go to the hotel and order some room service." Alessia said putting her car into drive and setting off back towards the Emirates.
Once you check into your hotel which was right next to the Emirates you order room service and Alessia announces that she's going for a shower.
You knew how long she'd take so you took the opportunity to slip out of the hotel room and ran across the road to the Armoury. You head straight in and grab a home shirt in your size and take it to the counter.
"Hey. Can I get Russo 23 printed on the back of this please." You say handing the shirt to the cashier.
"Are you sure? She's not been confirmed as a transfer yet and we can't do refunds on personalised items." You try not to laugh, you just nod at the confused looking girl behind the desk.
"I'm sure." She scans the item through and takes it to the heat press while you pay. Not five minutes later she returns with your new shirt.
"Thank you." You say taking it from her with a wide grin.
"Do you know something I don't?" She asks, looking at you quizzically.
"I might do. Thank you again." You dash back out of the shop and sprint back over to the hotel and back up to your room. You close the door quietly behind you and to your delight Alessia is still in the bathroom.
You quickly change into your new top and sit on the bed facing the bathroom door.
Alessia finally exits the bathroom in just a towel and stops dead as her eyes land on your new Arsenal top.
"You did not." She chuckles.
"I did." You smirk, getting off the bed and turning around so she could see her name proudly sat between your shoulder blades.
"Oh my god! Y/N! I haven't even got mine yet!" She flushes a light scarlett colour but continues to stare at you in awe.
"You look so good in that." She says.
"Not as good as you will." You step forward and kiss her. She wraps her arms around your neck and deepens the kiss.
"I'm so proud of you." You whisper against her lips.
"You're so supportive of me and I love that." She says leaning her forehead against yours.
"I'm definitely the first person to have your name on an Arsenal shirt. The woman was so confused." You laugh.
"Did you say anything." She asked slightly worried.
"Not a word. She asked if I knew something she didn't and I said maybe. That was it." You chuckle.
"I love you." She sighs as you kiss her again.
"I love you too." You say between kisses.
"I want my shirt now." Alessia laughs.
"I prefer you without it if I'm honest." You say as you pull the front of her towel, letting it drop to the floor.
"I'm all yours." Alessia says as your hands begin to wander her body and she leans into your touch.
You push her gently down on the bed and climb on top of her, letting her know how much you love her with your lips in many different ways for the rest of the night.

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