'Yeah Jessie, I'm sure Rachel would understand' - Chapter Thirteen

Start from the beginning

"Look sir, can I be honest with you." It was time to fess up.

"Of course Jessica, why don't you." Mr Wilding smirked.

"The reason I haven't got my homework sheet is because," Here goes nothing, "I didn't do it, sorry sir."

"Just as I suspected. Any reason for that or is a detention on the table?" I don't think I could sink any lower.

"I would have done it it's just that I was so preoccupied with my mum and her cancer." Well, a little bit lower never hurt anybody.

"Oh okay, sorry Jessica. If there's anything I can do just let me know." Mr Wilding left to continue collecting the rest of the classes homework. Danny's face was in shock.

"Did you seriously just pull out the 'my-mum-has-cancer' card?"

"Little bit." I grinned sheepishly. "My mum's dying Danny, life needs some perks."

"How is she anyway Jess? Are you going to see her over half term?"

"No. She and my Dad are going to be in America over the holidays to get some treatment. I'm going to be staying with Amy and her family."

"Oh Amy, that's nice." There was a slightly awkward silence as we both thought of Danny's ex-girlfriend.

"What about you? Got anything exciting planned?"

"No I'm staying at home too. Hey, since you're staying with Amy and we're going to be the only people from the school in the same area we should definitely meet up."

"Yeah, for sure - I'd really like that." I said enthusiastically. I wondered to myself if Amy would mind. But she shouldn't, should she? I mean they haven't dated in a while and Danny and I are just friends... Maybe just shouldn't tell her.

"Was Rachel in her dorm last night?" Danny said out of nowhere.

"No, why?"

"Well Jack was out all night and didn't tell me where he went and I jumped to conclusions."

"What, do you think they were together?"

"Come on Jess, are you seriously that naive?"

"No, I just never would've expected such a thing in a Catholic school."

"I know," Danny laughed. "The thought that the first hook-up of the year isn't me scares me a bit." I giggled at this comment - it surprised me too.

"Hey," I changed the subject, "What did you think of the meeting yesterday?"

"Oh God, it was hilarious!" Danny sniggered. "I guess Felicity really showed her true colours."

"Yeah, I'm surprised that she would act that way in front of you." I joked.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you know, because she has such a huge crush on you."

"No she doesn't Jessie." Wait, was he serious?

"Danny, yes she does - can't you tell."

"Why would she have a crush on me? She's like the head girl and one of the most popular girls in school and she's a year older than us."


"So, I don't think I'd be her first choice." Oh Danny, say what you want about him but he was charming.

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