The Warrior King and The Ghost of the Jungle

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Four turtles... four brothers... genetically reborn in the sewers of New York. Named after the great Renaissance masters... and trained as ninjas. They battled many creatures and foes before defeating their archenemy... the Shredder.

But now, a greater evil is poised to destroy their very brotherhood. An evil born 3,000 years ago. It was in that time a warrior king named Yoatl led a brotherhood that fought side by side with one purpose: To conquer the kingdoms of the world.

Yoatl had a daughter, Y/N, who fought against his will. She believed her family to be wrong, but trained among them to one day stop her father. But nothing could stand in their way... as they left a trail of destruction behind them. In his quest, Yoatl learned of a constellation known as the stars of Kikan. Every 3,000 years, the stars would align, opening a portal to a world of unknown power.

Y/N tried to reason with him, but it was too late. He became immortal, but at a price. His brotherhood was turned to stone.

And Y/N? She was forced into immortality alongside her father, as the gods saw punishing her for his wrongdoings was a fitting fate for the king.

13 monsters were unleashed into our world. The king was left on earth, unable to die or forget his mistake. Y/N, trapped in time by her father, never forgave him for what he'd done. She always stays close though, hopeful her father has seen the error of his ways.

The monsters that were unleashed, contine to plague mankind to this very day

*3,000 years later*

A woman with brunette hair, tattered dress, and ruby necklace was thrown to the ground by a bandit. Her son, only eight, runs to her.

"Mama!" Her son cried.

Her entire town was being ransacked by a group of armored bandits. Food, materials, precious items, everything they could take.

"You monsters!" She screamed in their faces.

The greasy man chuckles. "We appreciate the generous donation for the continued protection of your village." He says as his men finish loading their jeep.

The other villagers stand a safe distance away, afraid of what the bandits may do. The woman's husband lunges at the leader, but three machine guns are pointed at his chest before he could get close.

The greasy man grins lazily as he reaches towards the woman and takes the necklace off of her neck. An heirloom, precious.

"After all, the jungle can be a very dangerous place." He says, laughing as he and his goons rip into the jungle.

The jeep clamored down the jungle path. The leader sits comfortably in the passenger seat while the others are crammed between the valuables they stole.

From above, a shadow waits in the trees. He appears as a spirit... covered by a cloak.

The driver suddenly slams on the breaks as he sees a fallen tree in there way. The leader is thrown around in his seat.

"IDIOTA! Watch where your going!" He screams at the driver.

"There's a log in the way s-sir" the driver stutters out, "That wasn't there an hour ago..." He said quietly to himself.

"Well, what are you waiting for!? Remove it!" He orders his men. "Cortez! Andale!"

Cortez hops out and attaches the log to the winch. Seconds later, Cortez is yanked into the trees! A small yelp could be heard.

"D-d-dios mio." The driver says, suddenly frightened of the jungle.

"What!? What is it!?" The leader exclaimed, shaken by Cortez' disappearance.

Suddenly, the winch flies into the jeep, hitting the other solider across the jaw! The chain wraps itself around his neck and yanks him out of the vehicle!

The solider gets pulled into the darkness, clawing and screaming the entire way.

The final solider, the driver, and the leader step out of the vehicle. The solider loads his machine gun, as if that will save him.

"WHO ARE YOU!? SHOW YOURSELF!!" The leader screams into the jungle.

The driver, now heavily shaken and scared, "T-the Ghost of the Jungle..." He stutters.

"What!?" The leader screams at him. As if it was his fault.

"The jungle g-god that p-p-punishes those who prey upon the weak... he's coming for us..." He says, looking towards the leader, scared shitless.

Suddenly, they hear a few quick punches and kicks, followed by a few machine gun bursts and a yelp. The last soldier lay beaten on the jungle floor.

The driver, understandingly scared runs away. "I'm sorry senor!" Can be heard as he fades into the jungle.

"Coward! Get back here!!" He yells after him. Like he wouldn't have ran if he had the opportunity.

The leader is alone. "Show yourself! DO YOU REALIZE WHO YOUR DEALING WITH!?" He screams as he turns around aimlessly.

Behind him, a pair of white eyes appear out of the brush. The next events happen quickly. Punches and kicks send the man back. This attacker was too fast. Scared for his life, he runs into the jungle, stumbling along the way.

The brute arrives at a clearing. A calm area before his panicked state violated it.

"I am not afraid of a myth! I AM NOT AFRAID OF A GHOST!" He screamed, eyes darting around the jungle.

(Oh my God, this is taking so fucking long)

Behind him, a pair of green legs land. A figure is covered in a cloak.

As the cloak falls, we see a beaten down blue mask. This can only be Leonardo Hamato, with a single katana poised for battle.

The man, stupidly, charges Leonardo. A loud clang can be heard throughout the jungle.

*A few moments later*

The young boy stands in the village clearing when he suddenly hears the sound of a jeep. The villagers scatter, afraid the bandits came back for more.

The jeep flies out of the jungle, full of their belongings, the heirloom necklace hanging from the rear view mirror.

"It's a miracle!" The woman from before exclaims.

The boy looks towards the jungle as the village rejoices. He sees a pair of white eyes staring back at him.

It winked!

"The ghost of the jungle." The boy says smiling.

*later in Leo's cave*

Leo places his katanas on the ground carefully. He kneels, head bowed, eyes closed.

"My training is now complete."

(I know Y/N isn't in this chapter, she will be in the next one I promise. Goodnight <3)

TMNT (2007) Raphael x readerWhere stories live. Discover now