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"GUYS?! I'm on a Zoom call here. So can you just tone it down?!!? I can't be on mute all the time."

"But B-ro...they are all idiots. How can they say they want to remove Virat and Mahi Bhai from the team?! We won't let them." Harry said with determination.

"yes, bhai. it's like they don't even want to wait, they have already decided to remove Mahi Bhai and Virat Bhaiyya"

"I know Harry, Kuli but we need them right now. We need to convince them to our side " Rohit tried to explain but he sounded weak even to himself, how to make these youngsters understand the dark world politics of BCCI that mahi bhai always tried to shield them from.

Looking at their passionate faces he could only turn to Jaddu knowing he would understand the helplessness he was facing at the moment, but the lost look on his friend's face gave him another realization.

How lost they are without their mahi bhai. At this moment he just wanted to call Bhai and ask him what is the right thing to do. But he can't, and that just makes him even more helpless.

He doesn't even have Virat here! God, this is the worst time of his life. Two of the most important people in his life are going to get stripped of everything they worked so hard for and there is nothing he can do but watch.

Due to the inability of Mr. Kohli to commit to his duty as a national representative of Indian cricket and the breach of his contract sec 28 B which states that 'I,  Virat Kohli will work under the majority opinion on the matters concerned under the board.'

Mr. Kohli is removed from the Bcci panel and will be stripped of his title as a captain and member of Indian cricket. Further will pay necessary compensation to the board for insubordination and breach of contract. The judge present will give the verdict now.

Khanna completed reading the draft of the allegations against Virat and looked at the corner of the screen with a bloody smirk on his face. A smirk!! 

Did the idiot think the camera works only one way?!

But that wasn't important Rohit thought. There will be time later.

Even though he knew that there was no chance that things could turn on their side there was still a bit of hope in his heart. A little belief that he still had the good in people. 

The vote is not unanimous but we can see the verdict clearly. There is little to be said except that it is sad that people of such caliber use ghastly means for success...

No... seriously?! That is your statement, Judge ?! Can you be any more biased ?!

Just as Rohit was going to take the earphones out to confront the racket no doubt his team is making. He heard a voice that he was never more happy to hear again. 

"Guys ?! Come to watch this." Rohit shouted disconnecting his headphones to let everyone hear what was being said.

As everyone gathered around with another round of whats and whys. The voice from the laptop shocked them into silence. 

Except for one single cheer that came from the most unexpected person.



If I may interrupt Mr. Shen, pardon my lateness but I had a flight to catch....where were we now? 


"Kavin Sir? We got the report back from the forensics, and IT is sending theirs as we speak. You wanted me to send them on your private server?"

"Yes! Yes, thank you, Riya. You can go home now. I'll finish up; it's so late as it is. And, you know what? Take the rest of the week off. Good work." Kavin said, fiddling with the papers on the desk and not looking up.

"Are you alright, sir?"

Yes, yes, goodbye."

If you say so, goodbye, sir. "

As the door closed behind his assistant, Kavin slumped in the comfortable chair of his office at the central investigation and forensic department. With a deep sigh, Kavin Mehra thought about the series of events that led up to him lying and sneaking around at his own job.

Life plays a funny game; he is still alive to have this job because of one person, and he might lose it because of the same man, but he can't bring himself to regret what he was doing. For a friendship like this, he knew he would never.

He knew what was at stake. 

"Ok, let's see what the truth actually is, then."

Logging into his computer, he opens the reports sent by the analysis team.

"No, that can't be right. What?! Oh no, no, no."

Kavin fumbled with his phone, dialing a number he had memorized by heart.

The number you have dialed is currently unreachable.

"Nono PICK UP!!"

He dialed the number again and again, only for it to remain unreachable. Sweat precipitated on his brows as he felt the dread heavy in the air with each unanswered ring.

There was only one thought going through his head.



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