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Five's Pov

We confirmed that Y/n Hargreeves, Number eight of The Sparrow Academy, and Ben Hargreeves Number two, are getting married." I heard a familiar voice of the lady from the news and stand up from my desk and sat down on the leather couch in my office, I sighed and reached for the remote to turn up the sound up. "The engagement party is to be held this Saturday in the private estate of Sir. Reginald Hargreeves. We wonder..." She kept talking about Y/n and Ben, but I couldn't focus. I saw her picture on the TV screen hanging on the wall in my office I had in this house I'd just got the keys to a few hours prior. I assumed I'd stay in LA for longer due to my task. But this information hit me like a wreaking ball. We're they getting married? She hasn't mentioned anything. Besides, the last time I saw her, she didn't look like someone about to get engaged.

I ran up the new, shiny granite stairs to my vast bedroom. I could get used to this place. It had everything I needed and a stunning view. I looked across the room for my phone. In my twenty-five years of existence, I could never get used to have it around.

"Boss?" I heard my right-hand's deep voice.

"Zachary, I need you to get me an invite for Y/n Hargreeves engagement party." I went straight to the point. I wasn't the one to waste my time on superfluous courtesy, even if Zachary was not only a member of our Mafia but my most trusted friend.

"How do ya think I can do that?" He scoffed. "That's fucking impossible. They'll never let ya in. Should I remind ya, you're also a freakin Hargreeves?"

"I don't care how you do it. You do that," I said, unfazed. "Or you're out."

I heard him sighing heavily before he replied.

"Fine. Consider it done."

I smiled, amused he took me seriously, and I ended the call. I threw my phone on my king-size beds black silky duvet and headed to the bathroom for a long, cold shower.


The week had passed in a blink. I got caught up settling in my temporary new home and enjoyed the night charms of lustful LA. I felt like I was on vacation I'd never had had, but needed. I glanced over at my reflection in the mirror and ran my fingers through my hair, putting it back in place . I wore a black tailored suit over a slightly unbuttoned black suit with a all black tie. I grabbed my phone and blink to the engagement party.

"Elliot Wright." I looked straight into the butler's eyes, who nodded before searching for the name across the guest list.

"Welcome, Mr. Wright," he greeted me with a polite smile. "Have an unforgettable evening sir." I knew Zachary wouldn't fail at finding a way to get me in.

I nodded my head, smirking.

I walked past the older man, entering the gleaming entryway of Hargreeves's residence. I was greeted by a long-legged gorgeous brunette who fetched me a glass of champagne. She smiled alluringly before leading me to a grand and opulent, lofty room with round tables decorated with white flowers and a live band playing classical music in the background. I drank the sweet and bubbly liquid in one go and put the empty glass on a silver plate that a walking-by waiter was holding. I squeezed through the crowd of overdressed people to the back of the room and rested my body weight on my left arm, leaning against a wall shimmering from the crystal chandelier's spiraling down the high ceiling. I put my hands in the pocket of my pants, not too elegant of a move, but was bored as fuck.

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