The Kirsch Family: Ethan Kirsch (Scream 6)

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How He Finds/Meets You- One night, while coming back home from his last class of the day, Ethan Kirsch was getting ready to go out and get some revenge on a teacher, who failed him. "I'll show you the meaning of a failure." Ethan said as he got into his costume and went out.  While he was out, he heard a crying sound and yelling.  Ethan followed the sounds and saw two people and a small bundle.   "I told you that BRAT ISN'T MINE!!!" Yelled the man.  "It has to be your, FOR YOU'RE THE ONLY MAN I WAS WITH!!!" Yelled the woman, who held the bundle.  "I know I should be out getting revenge on that damn teacher, but I think I need a little warm up to start." Ethan said as he made his move.  Just as Ethan killed the man, the woman began to beg him to spare her life and she even offered the little bundle as an bargaining chip.  "You offer me a bundle, so I would spare your life? I don't think so." He said as killed the woman. 

 After Ethan had done his job, he went by the bundle and found out that the bundle was a baby. "Shh... little one. It's okay. Those bad people can't hurt or harm you anymore." He cooed as Ethan noticed some marks on the baby's legs. "Forget the teacher. I better get you to the hospital." He said as he took off and went to the police station, where his father, detective police officer Wayne Kirsch aka Wayne Bailey.  (Time skip to the police station)  "Dad! Dad!" Ethan yelled as he came through the police station door. "Ethan? Is everything okay?" Wayne asked as he took his son into office and made sure that no one hear their conversation.   "Did anyone see you?" Wayne asked as Ethan told his father no.  "Well, I'll take you and the baby to the hospital plus I can work on this case." He said as Ethan gently got the baby, swaddled it up in his hoodie  and held it close to him as he and his father drove off to the nearby hospital to get the baby looked at. (Time skip to hospital) 

Once Wayne and Ethan arrived at the hospital, a doctor took him and the baby back, while Wayne got a call. "Ethan, I have to go, for there's been a murder." Wayne said as he left, leaving his 19-year old son at the hospital, while he went to investigate the crime scene.   "Mr. Kirsch?" A nurse called as he walked up to her. "Please follow me to the nursery." She said as he did as he was told and followed the nurse. When they reached the nursery, the nurse opened the door, to where a baby bassinet was and inside was a tiny baby girl/boy.  "Would you like to hold your baby girl/boy, Mr. Kirsch?" She asked.  At first, Ethan was a little nervous but he nodded yes.  The nurse showed Ethan how to properly hold the baby.   "I'll leave you two to get acquainted and bring up some adoption papers." She said as she left, leaving Ethan alone with his soon-to-be baby girl/boy.    "Hi baby girl/boy.  Do you know who I am? I'm your new daddy and I swear I'm going to protect you." He said as the baby cooed, softly as she/he drifted off to sleep.  

He First Night with You at Home- When Wayne returned, the nurse told him that Ethan was up in the nursery  with the baby girl/boy.  Once Wayne made it to the nursery, he saw that his son was bonding with the baby. "So, it looks like I'm a grandpa." He said as he startled his son. "Geez, dad. Don't do that, you could've woken y/n up." Your new daddy said.  "Sorry about that son. Now how about we head home, for the nurse gave us the okay to take home, y/n." He said as your daddy got you ready to come home with him and your grandpa. (Time skip to home) 

Once you, your daddy and grandpa were home, Quinn, Wayne's eldest and only daughter was waiting, worried about her father and baby brother. "Where were you guys? I-." Quinn said as she saw Ethan holding a baby.  "Quinn, meet your niece/nephew, y/n." Your daddy said as she smiled. "I'm an auntie?" She said as you started to fuss. "Shh... y/n. It's okay.   Daddy will get you out of there." He cooed as he got you out of the car seat that your grandpa had gotten for you.  Once  your daddy got you out and gave you to your aunt Quinn, so she could hold you.  "Ethan. I need you to come with me to the attic. I need your assistance with something." Your grandpa said as he and your daddy went to the attic.    After they got into the attic, your grandpa showed your daddy his old baby crib. "This is for y/n. I thought y/n could use it." He said. "Dad, thank you. I'm sure y/n will love it." Your daddy said as he and your grandpa brought down your crib and set it up in your daddy's bedroom as all of your family got ready for bed.  (Time skip to midnight) 

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