Regine Dandridge (Fright Night: Part 2 (1989) Catch-Up

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A/N: I know that Jerry Dandridge was killed in the first Fright Night, but pretend he's still alive along with Billy Cole, who was his "bodyguard". 

Also I apologize to JulieMcIntyre4 for taking sooo long to get your next request done, but I had a family emergency to deal with. I hope that you enjoy your second request. 

Warning: Some mentioning of the word(s): injuries and die.

How She Finds/Meets You- One warm summer's night, while trying to hunt down, Charlie Brewster as her next victim, Regine, sister to Jerry Dandridge, heard a crying sound along with shouting.   She followed the shouting and saw two people fight and to the left was a baby's stroller. "What are they arguing over, I wonder."  She thought as she saw the two left, leaving behind the stroller.  Regine flew down and turned into her human form and walked over to the stroller.  When she was by the stroller, she was in shock with what she saw.  A tiny infant baby with some minor injuries. "What did they do to you, little one?" She asked as she went to pick up the infant, it whimpered. "It's okay, little one. I won't hurt you. I want to help you." She said as she healed the baby's injuries. "All better." She said as the baby cooed up at her.  "Let me take you home with me. I'll show you the one thing you need most and that's love and a family." She said as she swaddled the baby up in her coat and called for her  "bodyguard/limo driver", Bozworth to come pick her up and her new guest. 

Her First Night with You at Home- As Bozworth took Regine back to her place, he noticed that she was hold something in her arms.  "It's a baby, Bozworth." She said, knowing that she was reading his thoughts.  "I'm sorry Ms. Regine. I didn't mean to impose." He said.  "I know you weren't imposing. Plus you're a great bodyguard other than Louie." She said.  "So, what are you going to do with the baby, Ms. Regine?" He asked.  "I'm going to raise the baby as my own and I know my brother will pleased to know that he's an uncle." She said as he helped her inside.  "Hey. Do smell that?" Louie said as Belle, another vampire, just shook his head, ignoring the werewolf.  "I think Regine brought us lunch!" He said as he ran towards her, only to be stopped by Bozwroth.  "Louie! Back off from Regine." He hissed. "I smelled a human and I know it's lunch time." He said.  "I said back off!" Bozworth said as the baby began to cry, due to the yelling.  "Both of you, stop!" Your mommy hissed as she rocked you in her arms, in hopes you would calm down.  "No one is eating my baby, unless you want die and become my personal meal." Your mommy said.  Louie and Bozworth stopped fighting, for neither one of them wanted to be Regine's next meal.   Belle came down with a blanket to swaddle the baby up, knowing that the baby was cold.  "Thank you, Belle." Regine said as she swaddled the baby up and rubbed the baby's back.  "We're having a meeting in the dinning room, right now." She ordered as her henchmen did as they were told. 

As Regine informed her men about the baby and how they were going to help raise the baby, Louie the werewolf started to annoy everyone, so Bozworth put him outside.  "There. Now we can all have some peace and quiet." He said as Louie cursed him out.  "What are you going to name the baby, Ms. Regine?" Bozworth asked.  "I'm going to name my child, y/n. It's the prefect name for my little princess or prince."  She said as the baby cooed at the new name.  "I think y/n loves her/his name too." He said.  "Well I'm going to get y/n ready for bed as well as myself, but tomorrow night, I want all of you to go out and get everything that my princess/prince needs." She said as she took you to the bathroom and gave you a warm bath.   Then just as she was getting you changed, Belle came in and gave your new mommy some supplies he stole from a nearby store. "Thank you, Belle." She said as she got you into a fresh diaper and jammies. "Bedtime little one." She cooed as you drifted off to sleep in her arms.  "Goodnight y/n. Mommy loves you." She said as she went to sleep as the sun rose up.  

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