Allyson Nelson (Halloween: 2018 & Halloween Kills) Catch-Up

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This request was requested by RhykerBresse.  I thank you for your request and I do hope that you'll enjoy your request.  And I do apologize for taking so long to get to your request.   

A/N: Warning:  Mentioning of the word(s): Killing, murder, and possibly a dead body. 

Also a HUGE THANK YOU to Chanbien for your help with this book.  Love ya, sister 

How She Finds/Meets You-  It was prom night in Haddonfield, and Allyson Nelson was getting all dressed up the Halloween themed prom that was going on at her high school.  As Allyson arrived at the prom, she saw her boyfriend, Cameron Elam kissing another girl.  Allyson got very upset when Cameron saw her. "Babe. It's not what you think." He said. "Oh sure, Cam.  Use the line that  every boyfriend says to their girlfriend.  We're through." She said as she stormed out of the prom and went to the football field to calm down.   Just as she was making her way towards the football field, Allyson heard a baby's cry and she immediately ran towards the baby's cry.  As the baby's cries grew louder, Allyson knew that she was getting closer.  Once she was near the baby, she couldn't believe her eyes.  She had found the baby on the cold ground without any clothes on. "Oh, you poor little angel.  Let's get you to the hospital right away."  She said as she called her grandmother, Laurie Strode.   

Her First Night with You at Home- As Laurie got her granddaughter's call, she was worried because her brother,  Michael Myers was out killing, trying to get to Laurie and her family.   "Allyson, where are you?" She said.  "I'm at the football field and I need to get a baby to the hospital right away." She said as Laurie drove to the football field to pick up her up.   "Allyson? why is there a baby with you?" She asked.  "I'll explain on the way to the hospital, grandma." She said as she got inside her truck and drove off to the nearest hospital.  (Time skip to the hospital) 

Once Allyson, Laurie and the baby made it to the hospital,  Allyson got a nurse and told her what happened.   "Okay, I'll put you all in exam room 7 and I'll get a doctor in right away." She said as all of you went into the exam room.   After the doctor came in and checked the baby out,  he told Allison that the baby was 100% healthy and there was nothing to worry about.  (Time skip to home) 

Once Allison was back at home, Karen, Allyson's mother saw her daughter coming home with a baby. "Allyson? Why do you have a baby with you? Were you pregnant and didn't tell me?" She said as she kept asking questions until Laurie told her daughter to stop.  "You know you're not welcomed here, mom."  She said.  "I know, but I came to drop off Allyson and the baby.  Allyson will tell you everything tomorrow, Karen.  She's been through a lot tonight."  "Thanks grandma." "Anytime kiddo." She said as Allyson went upstairs with the baby to the bathroom and gave the baby a bath.   "Oh, you're a little girl/boy. Well I have the prefect name for you. I'm going to name you, y/n." She said as you smiled up at your new mommy, loving the new name she had given you. "Alright, y/n.  Let's get you ready for bed." She cooed as she dressed you in one of her old baby sleepers and a diaper that the hospital had given your mommy.  Once you were ready for bed, your mommy made a bottle of formula for you, warmed it up and tested it before feeding it to you.   As you ate, your e/c eyes were starting to close and your mommy knew it was time for bed.  "Goodnight, y/n. Mommy loves you very much." Your mommy said as  she tucked you in her bed and went to bed with you. 

Who She Trusts to Babysit You- The only person your mommy trusts to babysit you is your great-grandmother, since your mommy and her have a good relationship, unlike your mommy and grandma. 

The Nurseries/Bedrooms They Make for You- Early the morning, your mommy and your grandmother had a mother-daughter talk and she explained everything to her mother.  "Well Allyson. I'm proud of you for looking out for the baby, but raising a baby is a lot of work." Karen said. "I know mom, but I really want to be y/n's mother. I mean what kind of parents abandon their own baby at a high school football field and leaves the baby on the cold ground in October?" Allyson said.  "If y/n means that much to you, then we'll go shopping for her/his nursery together." Karen said.  "Also I want grandmother to come with us." She said as Karen groaned. "Mom." "Alright. She can come." She said. (Time skip to coming home from shopping and setting up the nursery) 

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