Damian laid on his bed, headphones on listening to his favourite song...thinking about Leo. He hadn't spoken to the turtle in days and it was only starting to register how much he missed his company. Next time he sees him, he ought to make some way for them to communicate while they're away from each other.

"Damian!" Liam called from the living room.
"Ughh what now." Damian called back,  pulling himself out of bed
"You're free to go. " Liam said, unplugging the device keeping him in the house.
Instantly, Damian bolted for the door.
"Damian! Remember, low profile." Liam yelled after his younger brother, receiving no reply as the door slams shut...

"Donnie, what's the deal with the bomb!?" Raph yelled out, in the middle of fending off attacks from Xever.
"I'm down to the last wire. Which one do I cut? Green or Black?" Donnie questioned. There was 5 seconds left on the bomb timer, now was the time to make a decision.
"Go for green!" Mikey yelled.
"Agh screw it." Donnie said, snapping the green wire, defusing the bomb.
"GUYS! Mikey was right for once!" Donnie exclaimed, picking up his weapon to join the fight.

With the addition of a new battle member, the turtle's successfully manage to back Bradford and Xever into a corner on the mutagen bomb.
"If we're going down, I'm taking you with us!" Bradford yelled, stabbing the bomb,causing mutagen to cover them and sweep them away.

"Close call." Leo sighed before he was interrupted by an ominous voice.
"Four mutant turtle's in over their heads." The voice spoke. At the Crack of lightning, Shredder appeared on a nearby billboard.
"G-Guys do you think that's Sh-Shredder?" Donnie stumbled.
"That's definitely A Shredder." Raph replied.
"Everyone circle him and attack. Something tells me he won't let us leave so easily."

The turtle's launched their attack at Shredder, only to be met with defeat at every attempt. Shredder was just too strong for them. One by one they were taken out. Mikey first, then Donnie, then Raph and finally Leo. In Leo's head, escaping was the only way  they could survive this. He glanced at his brother's, all battered and bruised, and whistled to gain their attention. He gave them hand signals which said," I'll distract him, you guys make a run for it." Mikey tried to protest before Raph put his hand over his mouth, replying to Leo's request with a nod. With that, Leo pulled out his second sword and charged at Shredder, trying his best to buy time for his brothers.

No matter how hard he tried, Leo couldn't damage Shredder. At the end of his limit, Shredder picked Leo up by the neck and slammed him against the wall.
"Tell me where you master is and I promise I'll make your demise swift." Shredder threatened, tightening his grip on Leo's neck and drawing his blade.
Leo was slowly losing consciousness before he heard a voice.
"Leo! Leo you there?"
The voice sounded familiar. A voice he hadn't heard in days. Leo's eye's scanned his surroundings for the source of the voice but didn't spot the owner. Was it in his head?

"Leo! I know this sounds weird but I'm in your head!"
"Damian?" Leo said in his head.
"Yeah it's me. I'm communicating with you telepathically. Listen, I'm going to prepare an attack to let you go but as soon as you're free, you need to catch me."
"Catch you? What are you gonna do?"
"Lucky enough it's raining. So I'm gonna hit that bastard with lightning. But it will knock me out cuz me and lightning don't mix too well."
"But won't you hit me too?"
"I've made sure it won't. Haven't you noticed his grip on you has loosened. He's not really holding your neck anymore. I've made it so that he's gripping the air around your neck instead." Damian said. Leo finally took notice that the pressure on his neck had loosened up.
"Alright but when are you gonna attack?"
"You'll know when you see the lightning." Damian said.

He leaped into the sky and held his hands up to the heavens. "Strike!" He yelled. As if following his command, lightning strikes his palms that were facing the skies. Immediately, he feels searing pain course through his body.
"Hold it!" He told himself, trying to aim his hands towards the scene of Leo being held up by Shredder, roughly 100 meters away.

Leo stared at Shredder before noticing the lightning strike in the distance.
"Damian was that you?" Leo asked in his head
"Listen I don't have much time- ACK!" Damian struggled.
"I'm ready." Leo assured.
"I'm in the sky roughly 100 meters directly behind the bastard holding you. When he's hit I need you to run and pick me up. I'll most likely still be falling out of the sk-AGH I CAN'T HOLD IT MUCH LONGER."

Damian aimed his hands towards Shredder and yelled,"Release!"
Instantly, a lightning bolt shot out of his palms heading straight for Shredder. Damian, suffering from the pain of the attack, was blasted backwards and knocked unconscious, falling from the sky...

"Answer me, turtle!" Shredder demanded. Leo caught a glimpse of a bright light behind Shredder rapidly approaching before answering," Nah, I think I'm good."
"Why you little-ARGH!"
Shredder's grip immediately released as the bolt of lightning collided with his back. The fact that he was clad in metal armour and it was raining made the attack 10 times more successful. Upon being dropped, Leo immediately picked up his swords and took off in Damian's direction.
"Faster Leo! Reach him!" Leo thought in his head, pushing himself to the limit to reach Damian. Not even 10 seconds later, he notices a figure rapidly plummeting from the sky.
It was him. Leo put all of his effort to make a jump off a rooftop and catch Damian. However he didn't take into account, how fast he'd be moving so be braced for impact as they landed back on the rooftops and rolled several meters.

Leo stood back up, holding Damian in his arms. He looked down at his saviour, wondering where he had been this whole time.
"Thanks for coming back" Leo whispered before he was interrupted by a ringing in his pocket. It was his T-phone.
"Hey Raph." Leo coughed
"Leo! Are you OK? You hurt?" Raph questioned.
"Haha I'm fine Raph. I'm on the way back."
"Whew we'll have Donnie have a look at you when you get back. Make sure you're not being followed."
"Yeah. There's just one thing..."

Leo arrived at the Lair, carrying Damian in his arms. His three brothers stared at him in shock before yelling,"YOU BROUGHT A HUMAN TO THE LAIR?!?"

Didn't Expect to Feel this Way (Leonardo X M!OC) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن