Chapter 4: "Dixon's"

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•Season 1 Episode 3•

"Not yet corpses, still we rot"

"Not yet corpses, still we rot"

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"Best not to dwell on it. Merle got left behind. Nobody's gonna be sad he didn't come back... Except maybe Daryl", Morales tells Rick. "Daryl?", Rick questions. "His brother", Morales says. Behind us, the group hears Glenn in his car. Glenn speeds past the truck and continues to holler about how much fun he's having. "At least somebody's having a good day.", Morales says with a small chuckle. I chuckle softly at Glenn.

Morales nudges me and I glance at him. "You should tell Daryl, he likes you more than anyone else in the group. Maybe he won't be as mad then.", Morales suggests. I shake my head no. "I'm not helping, Sheriff Boots handcuffed. Sheriff Boots can deal with him getting mad.", I say glancing at Rick. We pull up to the camp, behind Glenn's new car. Someone must have already turned off the horn. As soon as Rick parks I hope out of the truck.

I sling my bag over my shoulder. I walk through the group reuniting. I look around and spot who I am looking for. "Carl, I'm back!", I shout and the little boy runs up to me, hugging me. I hug him back and smile at Lori. I reach into my bag and pull out the small action figure I had found in the store on our run. I hand it to him. "I love it!", He says excitedly and runs up to his mom to show her.

I walk back over by Glenn. Shane walks over. "How did y'all get out?", he asks. "New guy, he got us out.", Glenn replies. "Yeah, crazy Vato just got into town. Hey helicopter boy! Come say hello!", Morales yells to the truck. "Come on Sheriff Boots.", I say chuckling slightly. Rick gets out of the truck. Carl and Lori look over at him. "Oh my god.", Rick mutters. Rick runs towards Carl as Carl runs to him, "Dad! Dad!". So this was Carls's dad. I glance at Rick then Lori and finally Shane.

I watch Rick interact with his wife and son. Shane walks over to Rick and smiles. I walk to Dale and smile at him. "Where's Daryl?", I ask him. "You just missed him, he went hunting.", Dale says. I nod thanks and head to my tent. Dropping my bag on the floor.


The group had gathered around the fire last night, but I decided to not join. I ended up heading to my tent and sleeping. It was early in the morning. The sun barely peaking through the crack of the entrance of my tent. I yawned and got out of my sleeping bag. I stretched before bending down and digging through my pack. I pulled out a flannel shirt, jeans, and some other clothing. I changed, I grabbed my knife holster, and strapped it back on my thigh. I slid the two knives back into the holster.

I exit my tent and pulled my hair back in a tight ponytail. It was a bit too long, so I thought about cutting it. It was easier to get away from walkers with short hair. Having longer hair made it easy for walkers to grab. I go up to Glenn who is standing by his car, pouting slightly, Rick walks by as well. "Look at 'em. Vulture. Yeah go on, strip it clean.", Glenn yells as some of the group continues to strip the car. I chuckle and pat Glenn's shoulder. "Generators need every drop of fuel they can get. Got no power without it. Sorry, Glenn", Dale tells Glenn. "Thought I'd get to drive it at least a few more days", Glenn whines. "Maybe we'll get to steal another one someday.", Rick replies.

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