Chapter 1: "A loss"

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•Season One episode one•

"Part of grief is the constant ache of realizing that nothing can be the way it was before"

I was at work when the fall ensued. I worked at a small mechanic shop, I took satisfaction in working there, it was a straightforward job and the other employees were friendly. We had a little tv in the corner, to listen to the news while we worked. Sometimes it would bust but it was usually an easy fix. Nobody wanted to purchase a new one. I don't blame them, nowadays everything is expensive.

It was a preferably warm Sunday, and I was toiling on a car that had just arrived at the shop at the time. The owner needed the engine replaced, something about the car having sentimental significance. I kept the TV on and was tuning into it every other minute. Only some boring stuff about the weather. Humming a little melody to myself I continued to work on the car. I pause for a moment to wipe my hands on my overalls and wipe the sweat off my forehead.

I wish we could get more than two fans. It's constantly searing or freezing in the shop, no in-between. One time it got so hot, that the shop owner brought in popsicles for our staff.

"What the hell did they say? ", One of my coworkers called out.
"Turn it up!", My friend Eli said as I tuned back in to pay attention to the TV too. I attempted to maintain working and listening, but it was a bit difficult with all my coworkers speaking over each other.

I turned to my colleagues to catch a glimpse of what the commotion was about. They were encircled by the TV, blocking my view of it. I tried to peek over their shoulders to see what was going on, struggling slightly and merely catching glimpses.

"Rose, are you seeing this shit?" Eli asked me, "Let me see", I spoke up as I pushed my way through and stared at the TV.

"A recent condition has been rising resulting in people turning into cannibals, and is spreading across the city, and the government is advising it's best to remain inside and away from others, Please do not panic."

"Was this some sort of sick joke?" I pondered. Cannibals? What kind of illness would do that?

"Don't panic my ass, fucking cannibals? Are they being serious?", Eli shouted.
Abruptly a loud bang came from the shop's backdoor. Along with a strange noise.

"Are we supposed to be getting delivery for any parts today? ", I asked looking confused towards my friend Eli.

"I'm not sure", He says and turns to the door as the banging starts again. He goes to open the door, slowly he opens the door, "Hello?"

A dreadful groan comes back as an answer, as something resembling a human pushes its way through the door and towards Eli. A woman, young, blonde-haired, eyes almost dead looking, and a bloody bite wound on her neck.

"Ma'am I'm going to have to ask you to leave our shop," Eli tells the woman, but she doesn't appear to hear him as she continues to stumble towards him. She had her arms extended out attempting to grab Eli, and continued to let out low groans and moans. I noticed the woman was pale and sick-looking. "Eli get away from her!", I cautioned Eli. He turned around to glance at me, and before I could do anything she sunk her teeth into his neck.

I stood there in shock, I couldn't construct words. There was screaming and my other coworkers towing the woman away from Eli. I rushed over to him and put my hand on his wound to attempt to slow the bleeding. There was so much blood, too much blood.

"Eli just hold on, we're going to get you help, ok?", I glimpsed down at my best friend coated in his blood, tears running down my face. He gazed back with a small sad smile and put his hand on top of mine.

"Promise me something?" "Anything," I said attempting not to start sobbing. "Promise me you'll keep going on without me?" He looked at me with that small sad smile again" "No don't say that, you're not dying !" I cried out and shook my head as tears streaked down my face. "No!", I cried out again.

Keeping one hand applying pressure on his bleeding wound, I pulled my phone out, dialing 911. It rang, loud, heart pounding. No one answered. Why wasn't anyone answering? I stared at the phone as it stopped dialing, my bloody fingerprints on the screen.

I looked around the shop for anyone who could help. Manny and Lucas were making an effort to shove the sick woman into a supplies closet. Ryan was on the phone with the police, while everyone else had fled. There was shouting outside the shop as well.

" Rose ...", Eli gave my hand a light squeeze to get my attention.

He looked at me with a sad but weary look. "Promise me you'll keep going on without me?" "Promise", I said scarcely a whisper.
He closed his eyes and smiled,
"I love you."
Then he passed right there in my arms.

"No" I cried out over and over. Shaking Eli, hoping he would merely wake up, that perhaps he had just simply fallen asleep. When he didn't awaken, I paused before sobbing. My best friend who had always been there was dead.

I flinched when I felt a hand squeeze my shoulder lightly. It was Ryan, "Rose we need to get out of here, the police aren't coming, and the government wants us to evacuate."

He was right we needed to leave. Everyone else who was at the shop left, and agreed we would meet outside the city after grabbing our families. I never thought that would be the final time I would see them.

I ran back to my apartment grabbed a duffel bag and started packing. I crammed some clothing, a bit of food, and a couple of water bottles. I ran to my closet and grabbed the knife Eli had given to me for my birthday the previous year. As well as the gun I had purchased a couple of years ago, that we took to a shooting range.

I fled my apartment and got in my Jeep. I loved my Jeep. I worked my ass off for the money to purchase it and Eli pitched in too. My heart grew heavy thinking of Eli again.

Without providing myself time to think of Eli furthermore, I started my Jeep and took off. Attempting to flee the city was crazy. There were people everywhere and cars all over the place. And those cannibals are everywhere too.

Soon I was out of the city but still stuck in traffic. People were gathering around a cleared area staring at the city. I got out of my jeep and walked over to see what was happening. I gaped in shock. They were bombing the city...

Authors note:

(I will work on making the chapters lengthier. I apologize furthermore if there are any spelling errors, English is not my first language. In future chapters, more about Eli and Rose will be told. More than likely will be working on anything I notice in this chapter. Please feel free to leave your opinion.)

*Word count 1243*

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