ii. Creating Your Own Characters

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Creating characters can be such a fun thing.

I know I've lost track of time, all just because I've been enthralled deep within the character making process.

It can be very tempting to make your character some 'perfect saint', I know... But don't do that.

It's okay to make your character powerful. It's okay to make your character have multiple powers and talents--I've done that.

But don't make them perfect.

Now, I'm not going to go through and call your character a "Mary Sue" because that's mean, but I do want people to understand there's a different between being powerful/skilled and being flawless.

Your character shouldn't be flawless.

Humans aren't perfect. And even if your character isn't human... Even if they're a god, vampire, etcetera... They're still a living being or an undead one... They're not perfect--and that's okay.

It's okay to be flawed. It's okay to make mistakes.

Allowing your character to make mistakes opens up new doorways for your story. It allows character development to blossom... And character development makes your story a whole hell of a lot better.

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