Chapter 3

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Hope walked into the loft and saw Derek sitting in front of the head of the guy stiles had killed

"This was Ezra carlo he was a mercenary originally before he was turned into a werewolf by one of the oldest werewolves to live" Derek said

"I'm not worried about that Derek why are you I'm more worried about what stiles is he told me Im aloud access to the ancient documents" Hope said Derek looked up at her

"He was apart of the slaughter of stiles clan" Derek said and hopes eyes widened

"What do you mean Derek what really happened to stiles clan and how do you know About it so well" Hope asked

"There's a reason stiles hates my family so much hope A long time ago my ancestors brought together all the people and clans from around the world to take out stiles clan" Derek said

"And how did that go" Hope asked

"Only half of us remained after taking out his entire clan they're power was so great that it took the entire world to take them out and in the end only half of the world remained after and the ones that were on earth weren't even all of them they're millions of them around the universe" Derek said

Derek stood up and walked over to a wall hope followed him and he pointed at the wall

"Put your hand on the wall once you do that the ancient documents will appear stiles put a sign on you without you knowing after he told you you can access them the sign allows anyone he says can access them to get to them" Derek said and Derek walked away

Hope put her hand on the wall and it started glowing golden a big thick book appeared in front of her floating and it opened to the pages about Stiles and his clan there were hundreds of chapters about him and his clan hope read the first sentence and her eyes widened

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Stiles stood outside of the xione graveyard his eyes glowed red and the graveyard went invisible he walked away with his hands in his pocket he had his eyes on the ground until be heard a twig snap

Stiles looked up his eyes glowed dark red and everything around him disappeared revealing the dread doctors they were forced to the ground his eyes flashed and all of they're weapons disappeared

Stiles floated up in the air his body glowing purple he pointed at the men

"Omega beam" Stiles said

A giant White beam shot out of his finger and incinerated two of the dread doctors leaving only the main one alive there was a giant hole in the ground from where he killed the other 2

Stiles floated down his eyes still glowing, he took the mask off of the shaking dread doctor revealing his destroyed face stiles crushed the mask in his hands letting the pieces drop to the floor

Stiles grabbed the man's face his hands glowing green as the flesh started repairing itself melding back together until his face was fully healed

Stiles let go of the man then punched him in the face knocking him out, stiles grabbed the man his hands glowed and the man disappeared and so did stiles

Scott came out of the forest from watching stiles he was afraid and rightfully so he was About to turn around until his vision went black

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Stiles walked into a room in his house and threw the two people on the ground he closed the door and locked it he turned around and waved his hand the two woke up and looked around until they're eyes landed on stiles and his glowing red eyes

"Hello boys" Stiles said a smirk on his face

Scott and the dread doctor starred at stiles in fear they had a right to Scott had been found Spying on him and the dread doctors were all dead now but the surgeon

"Why are we here" Scott said standing up not taking his eyes off of stiles

"Because Scott you were spying on me and this retard wanted to try and kill me why are all of you in this town think you can beat me" Stiles asked

"Because this is our town we protect it from threats like you" Scott said Stiles eyes turned from red to completely black he looked at Scott

"Theres No Threat Like Me Scott" Stiles said

Scott wasn't able to move he was frozen in place stiles walked up to him and put his hands on Scott's head, they glowed dark red and a black portal appeared behind him Black hands reached out and started to drag him in

Scott was screaming at the top of his lungs he tried to use his Alpha power but to no avail Scott was dragged into the portal eyes glowing bright red the portal closed

Stiles turned around looking at the dread doctor he had already read the man's mind he wanted to use stiles power to stay alive since he was the most powerful supernatural to come to Beacon hills in years

"I know why you came after me so there's no reason to even ask you I'm going to kill you and be over with it and don't worry your play thing will be killed to" Stiles said

Stiles didn't even let the man say a word he held his hand out and the black flames of Amaterasu engulfed the man he screamed as he was burned stiles watched the man burn until nothing was left to fuel the fire

With hope and the pack

Hope walked into the pack meeting and the first thing she saw was a bloody and bruised Scott laying on the ground a black aura surrounded the man not letting any of the pack touch him she looked up at Derek who called the meeting

"Scott went after stiles he spyed on him and this happened after he was caught he probably tried to fight him and he was put into the Dark dimension where the dark souls drag people down and break them physically and mentally the aura around his body is the Essence of death" Derek said

"What can we do help him" Hope asked

"Nothing hope only Stiles can make this stop" Derek said

The pack all stood around Scott looking at his unconscious body they waited there that's all they could do....

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2023 ⏰

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