' forbidden '

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y/n's pov ::

My eyes immediately reached Jenna's when I first went into the classrom on my third day of school.

Really? I thought, when I saw her sitting on my chair next to Emma, her best friend. Yeah, Emma is nice. I really like her, but her being Jenna Ortegas, the most self centered bully in schools popular friend, is not something that intruiges me. I have been placed on that chair in class for a reason, and I am not going to put up with her bullshit once again.

— memories

"You're the new girl, right?"
A voice spoke behind me. I turned around and smiled, grabbing the shoulderband of my bag a little bit tighter as a girl belonging to a friendgroup spoke. I was just about to respond, when I suddenly realised that this was the girl that people around the town had been talking about. Jenna Ortega.

The rumours were true. She really is the most gorgeous girl in town. Her gaze told me more than any words had ever done before, and I couldn't help but to get lost in them.

The brunette spoke, and snapped with her fingers in front of my face, making the others in the friend group giggle. One of them being her sister, Aaliyah Ortega. I knew her since before. She's also well known for being pretty. As soon as I came to my right senses, I studied her up and down, completely blown away by the siblings-duo.
"What's your problem? Answer my question?"
Jenna spoke, making me flinch. What?

"Excuse me?"
I spoke, meeting the girl's gaze again, this time with irritation in my eyes, provoked by her cocky tone.
"You heard me."
Jenna and her friends giggled once again, more mocklingly as I took a step closer.

"No, I didn't actually. I was too busy spectacing you embarrasing yourself."
Now it was Jenna's turn to excuse herself, as she took one more step, coming even closer to me.
"Who are you speaking to like that?"
I rolled my eyes about how pathetic she actually was. What a waste of beauty.

"The bald guy flying 'round in the corner over there."
I said sarcastically, nodding at an empty corner of the school. The whole friendgroup turned their heads to look, as I quickly grabbed the shorter Ortega's chin and brought her closer to my face, making her face me.
"YOU, sherlock."
I muttered, noticing a small blush on her face before pushing her harshly against the locker. I laughed for myself, before nodding at Hunter and Emma, standing next to the sisters.
"Watch your mouth pretty girl. You don't want to waste good looking features on a shitty personality."

Emma and Hunter quickly nodded back and sent me terrified smiles, as I walked over to my own locker, some corridors away. This is going to be interesting.

End of memories —

Emma waved towards me, as Jenna chewed her gum while looking in my direction, probably wondering who her best friend greeted. I smiled shortly, giving her a small wave back as I approached their table. Jenna took her feet away from the bench, styding me up and down as I released the bag from my shoulder.
"Hey, you."
I sighed towards the brunette, trying to make a good impression on her for the day, even though she definately didn't deserve it. She was complete trash.

As I had suspected, Jenna said nothing back and giggled mockingly, looking me up and down in a attempt to judge. I stood there as a question mark as eyes were drawn to us.
"Are you going to collect your ass and move? Make sure to bring that bitchy attitude."
Jenna didn't move one single muscle, instead, she poked Emma's side, whispering something in her ear that made her giggle.
"What if I'm not?"
The brunette raised her voice, letting all of our classmates take part in our conversation.
"Then I'll make sure that every single one in this classroom knows your little secret."
Jenna widened her eyes for a slight second, earning a look from Emma, a warning one.

𝐉𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐎𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐠𝐚 // 𝙸𝙼𝙰𝙶𝙸𝙽𝙴𝚂Where stories live. Discover now