' comforting her '

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Wednesday's pov ::

When I returned to my dorm after my little ... meeting with Xavier about him murdering a ton of people, I immediately went to check on y/n. She's been very busy with her academics and I can't help but feel this small nudge in my stomach whenever I think of her stressed face while studying. I don't get how people get so stressed out about grades and stuff. But she seems to be very disappointed in herself at some points. And as her girlfriend, I should be there to stop her pretty tears.

Yes, me and y/n has been dating for quite awhile now. I am actually starting to get sympathy for her. And this protective feeling. Enid tells me that I am 'overprotective' whatever that means. She probably found the word on a website, thinking that it was cool or something.

The minute I opened the door to y/n's dorm, I heard sobs, and turned my head to her bed, finding my girlfriend with her head in her hands and her school books all over her bed in front of her, sobbing uncontrolably. Without hesitation, I closed the door behind me and went to her bed.

"What happened?"

I tried to force out my softest voice. But I was pretty much unsuccessful. Y/n looked up, her eyes was drenched. Oh, cara mia.

"I am never going to make it. Do you see all of this? ALL OF THIS and I still won't be good enough."

She exclaimed, burying her face in her palms, sobbing.

"sweetheart, you are doing so well. I promise you that whoever you are doing this for is proud over you. And I am too. Look at me, will you?"

I spoke, stroking her by the hair to bring her comfort in her struggles. My poor baby. All I wanted was to keep her safe from anything that could hurt her. Not did I know that sometimes, I had to protect her from herself.

"I am doing this for ME, Wednesday. Does it look like I am proud of myself? What's there to be proud of?"

I grabbed her wrist.
"You need to be proud of yourself and believe in yourself for success. There is no such thing as a successful woman who doesn't believe in herself in this world. And certainly not my woman. I am proud of having you, I am proud of you. I am proud of getting to be yours. I'd do anything for you all right?"

Y/n smiled softly and brought me in for a kiss. God, I adore her kisses. Her lips are soft like I don't even know what, and pink like tulips. I have never loved someone the way I love her.

"I appreciate your kind words, love. But those won't help me get into the university that I am reaching for. You know, the standards are high there."

She replied.

"You are a high standard, cara mia."

Y/n giggled and put her hand on my cheek.

"I'll kill anyone who rejects you. I'll kill anyone for you."

I managed to get out, nervous by her touch. Her tears had started to dry, and I felt proud of myself for getting her to feel better. She is mine. No one and nothing can or will make her upset without getting to do with me. And thing, because he loves her too. But not as much as I do.

"Hey, Wens?"
She asks. I secretly love it when she calls me wens. But only when she does it. Enid almost drowned the one time she tried.

"Yes, my love?"

"Could we maybe cuddle? I am tired from studying."

Spiders appearing in my stomach, interrupting my heart who skipped a beat, crawling over my face, making it red.

"anything for you."

I laid down in my bed, softly smiling at y/n, who laid down in my arms. I held her like she was made out of glass, placing soft kisses all over her face. Soon, I could feel her relax in my arms as my eyelids started to feel heavy. My movements slowed down as I fell asleep to her cute snores. She is my hard working princess.

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