' texting '

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hey y/n
what are you doing today?

oh my god hiiii
Ava is coming over!!!
I have to thank you though
for being the reason that we met

awhh you're so sweet
how are you?

I am fine thanks ❤️
and how are you?

I am doing good :)
hanging out with my family atm
but I'm going home soon

That sounds so cozyyy
maybe weird to say it now but ...
I really look up to you Jenna

y/n stop you're making me blush

you have no idea how many times
you've done that to me

you're adorable
wanna call? I have to pack anyway

yeah I'd love to!!!

really? I'll call you rn hold on


Y/n — hiiii!!!
Jenna — oh my GOD you have no idea of how much I hate packing.
Y/n — what happened to hello, how are you, my name is?
Jenna — oh shut u-
Y/n — what happened to that?
Jenna — you're hilarious. Now you've gotta tell me, should I bring this home or should I leave it at my mom's house?

Jenna held up a cute sweater to show y/n, who immediately nodded and squealed over how gorgeous the shirt was.

Y/n — you HAVE to bring that home!!
Jenna — all right.

She spoke as she let out a relieved sigh throwing it into a suitcase. Then she began to pack all of her other clothes while she kept the conversation going.

Jenna — so, how did you and Ava meet? The only thing that you've told me is that you met in the audience.

Y/n let out a giggle.

Y/n — it's not that interesting really, we both screamed the exact same sentence at the exact same time, so we looked at eachother laughing like crazy, and then we just started speaking. It's not more than that.

Jenna — that's cute.

Y/n's eyes widened a little at Ortega's compliment, as a blush spread across her cheeks. She's been crushing on Jenna since forever and despite the fact that she still believes that she's living in a imaginary dream at the moment, she still has a crush on the actress.

Jenna — oh RELAX I was kidding with you.

Y/n — unless?
She spoke with a smirk, which now caused the brunette to blush instead.

Jenna — yeah, yeah.
She folded a pair of jeans and put it in a suitcase before zipping the bag, putting it next to the door which y/n guessed led out of Jenna's room. Then she picked up her phone, and it looked like she was going somewhere.

Jenna — I forgot to pack my makeup.

She put down her phone at her desk before grabbing her makeup-bag to silently scoop all of her makeup at once and put it in the pretty big bag.

Y/n — I have a question for you.

Jenna — mhm?

Y/n took a deep breath.

Y/n — why did you ask for my number?

The girl froze in the middle of a moment, holding one of her makeup brushes while a panicking look on her face appeared. She stuttered on her words for a moment, before she managed to say:

Jenna — to be brutally honest I—

y/n — yeah?

Jenna — I— okay. When I walked out on the stage and my eyes brushed over the audience, I recognized you a bit, but it was first when you shouted after me, and when we got eye contact that I realised...

She paused once again, looking like she didn't have the balls to continue.

Y/n — come on I won't judge you!!

Jenna — ...that you probably are the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. And then we spoke for a moment and after just a few words I knew that I found interest in you. I am not saying that I like you, we've spoke for a week only, but I think that this friendship is taking me somewhere...

Y/n just stared into space as she saw stars, or, a star. Her star. And the star was speaking. To her, or, about her, to her. She couldn't get anything out, as she could see Jenna's panic grow even bigger as she quickly grabbed the phone.

Jenna — I am so sorry!! Uh, I gotta go. See you beautiful.

Was the last thing she said before hanging up on the other girl, who was still in awe over what her celebrity crush just had told her. When she finally had realised what she had caused, she hurried to text Jenna:


I am so sorry but you are stupid if you thought that I don't feel the same about you.

Wait, really?

No I'm just lying


You are the prettiest girl and even person
I've ever laid my eyes on. I honestly think that
You are a piece of heaven making the puzzle
of earth complete. <3 let's take things slow
and figure things out.

Blushing and kicking my feet rn
yeah, I'd like that too. ❤️
I really like you, y/n.

I really like you too. ❤️

𝐉𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐎𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐠𝐚 // 𝙸𝙼𝙰𝙶𝙸𝙽𝙴𝚂Where stories live. Discover now