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I felt Park's lips press against my head and my smile just burst out. It flushed my entire face and I refused to look up, burrowing closer to him instead.

About 2 hours later, Park finally wrapped up fishing, having caught some for our dinner that night. We both went back, him starting to grill the fishes with Forth and Lam who were back too. I spent my time chatting with Pha and Adam.

"So, the two of you? Is it confirmed?"

"What is?" I looked at Adam confused.

"Awe come on Arthit, stop pretending na! It's so obvious you two like each other.."

I kept quiet, looking at the ground.

"You guys haven't confessed?" I looked at Pha, alarmed he could tell. I nodded gently, both Pha and Adam sighing over my lack of courage or idiocy. It's either one.

"I don't even think he likes me that way guys..." even I knew that sounded pathetic to myself. He had kissed me on my head, came looking for me when he didnt have to and has been there for me always since he knew me. I looked up at both boys who just glared back at me incredulously. I just sighed softly. I looked at Park who was hard at work.

He looked up and saw me looking at him. "All OK?" He mouthed silently. I nodded. He didn't seem convinced because he stopped whatever he was doing and came over.

"Pha? I think Lam wanted you to get his lighter from his bag if its ok? Adam, Forth is looking for you as usual."

Oh! Both boys ran off, to their respective partners. Park sat next to me and uttered softly, "You ok? Why do you look abit off?"

"Nothing. I'm ok really. Was just having a conversation with the two boys and it set me thinking.."

Park looked at me but realized I wouldn't be giving him answers so he nodded, ruffling my hair, telling me that dinner would be ready soon. I nodded.

He stood up to go and then turned to see me 1 more time. I smiled at him reassuringly. He smiled back at me and went to continue grilling the fish. Both boys came back, annoyed that Park had pranked them.

I snorted softly and we delved back into chatting. Around 7.30pm, we all had dinner. Park sat next to me, deboning the fish and giving me all the meat. I was so focused on eating that I didn't clock the reactions of the group. Park was also in his own world, just focusing his attention on me.

He deboned my fish, passed me the meat, tsked softly and cleaned my mouth when he spotted me making a mess. Park made sure the water was refilled for me at all times and we also had a variety of other types of food. I wanted to eat the corn but held back as I was lazy to gnaw through it. He realized it and then took a spoon to patiently scrape it through and gave me a bowl of corn. I grinned cheekily at him as I demolished the bowl of corn.

I have always been looking after myself and having him look after me was such a change. Once we were done, we finally looked up to see 4 other pairs of eyes looking at us amusedly.

I instantly blushed, that being my default expression of late. Park just stood up, pretending to want to clear up and ran off, leaving me alone. I groaned as the boys looked at me cheekily but to be fair, no one said anything.

They just smiled at me but eventually we all got to cleaning. We cleaned up, played the guitar and then oh my god, the stupid camp game of Truth & Dare came out.

I rolled my eyes as the guys insisted only dares could be played. But Park didn't want to play and just sat it out, using his phone to play games instead. We played multiple silly games until finally Pha came up with something.

"Arthit, since I got you; here's my dare. I dare you to give Adam a peck on his cheeks. Both, 1 each."

I opened my eyes big, staring at Pha shocked. I mean Adam was my friend but still.... I glanced at Forth who didn't seem too ruffled and I instantly knew both boys were in on it. I rolled my eyes as I was about to shake my head no. But before I could do it, Park suddenly stepped in.

"Can I play?" We all swivelled to look at Park stunned.

Lam and Forth agreed and so Park joined us. With him joining us, the previous round was forgotten and we re set the game again. Park spun the bottle and I think he was hoping it landed on anyone but me. But it landed on me and he looked at me exasperatedly.

"Erm Arthit, I dare you to hug Adam."

I looked at him, stunned. He was kidding right? Adam was my closest friend. Hugging him was normal to me. I just nodded and was about to do it until Forth stopped me.

"You gotta be kidding me! That's the easiest dare in the world."

I looked at Forth, trying to stare at him but failing as he just shrugged off my stares and smiled weirdly at me. Argh!

Park faltered a bit then made the biggest mistake of his life by asking, "Then what do you suggest?"

I looked at Park, wondering if he was an idiot. Forth grinned evilly and finally muttered, "Well, Arthit, your dare is to kiss Park."

I blew out air in frustration as I glared at Forth and then I turned to look at Park who was starting to blush. I must have zoned out because I heard Park mutter, "Please don't force him to do that. He doesn't seem keen on it."

I snapped back to reality and then before anyone could say anything, "No, I'm fine with it. I didn't say anything."

Everyone just kept quiet for a bit then burst out laughing once the meaning of my statement sunk in. I just glanced at Park who wasn't looking at me. I went over to Park who was still looking down.

I lifted his chin up and he looked at me, red faced. "You don't have to do this. If you don't.. "

Before he could complete his sentence, I kissed him softly on his lips. I pulled away, looking at him and he was stunned. I saw him lick his lips subconsciously and I just pulled him in for another one. This one was longer, harder and definitely more emotionally felt.

As we pulled away, this time, Park just looked at me and went "Damn it Arthit, I like you."

I blinked my eyes in surprise and shock and all I could hear was drop dead silence with only our loud beating heartbeats heard.

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