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I was swirling the foam gently on the cup of coffee when I heard a customer come in.

"Give me a while! I be with you soon!" I called out from behind the counter, hidden by the coffee machine. I just heard someone grunt in response and I finished off my drink, finally walking up to the counter.

I saw this guy, with a beanie pulled over his head, wearing shades and headphones in. He barely looked at me, busy on his phone as he grunted out an order of an iced Americano. I nodded and took his order, prepping it for him.

He collected the drink and left. I was clearing up the counter when he came back again. This time, he took his shades off and he looked at me.

"I got my order wrong. I was supposed to order another hot americano too. Could I place an order now?"

I nodded, collecting the money and started making his order. Once it was done, he collected it, thanking me and he left. The rest of the day saw me busy with customers and by the time my shift ended at 5pm, I was exhausted.

I packed up my bag, grabbed it and left, wrapping a muffler around my neck as it was getting bitterly cold. I stayed alone away from my parents whom I had fallen out with, when I decided to pursue a career of being a barista over being an engineer. Now I lived in a studio apartment, by myself, being a barista at the nearby cafe whilst studying part time for it too.

I took online classes and spent my weekends on campus. It wasn't the easiest life but since I wanted this, I had to make sure I saw it through.

The next day, I was at work again when the same customer came in. He ordered the 2 americanos and left. He became a constant figure at the cafe, ordering the same thing every day.

Though I often spoke to my customers and became friendly with them, I didn't dare make conversation with him as he looked fierce and the sort that seemed like he would ignore me even if I tried to talk to him.

But my curiosity was getting the better of me daily, with wanting to know his name and his obsession with the americanos. So the next day, I saw him again. This time, I attempted conversation.

"Hey, you really love your coffees, huh? Strong moreover."

Said guy just looked at me stonily. Bad idea I guess. I sighed inwardly but then I heard him reply.

"More like my friend loves them. I am just doing him a favor as he is too afraid to get it himself."

"Oh why?"

"Because he fancies you?"

"Say what now?! He fancies me!?!?"

"Yea. He told me he likes the cute barista who's always at the cafe and in his opinion, makes the best americanos. But for someone who likes someone else, this idiotic friend of mine sure saw the name wrong. You are Arthit. So far from the name he told me. I guess he's just blinded by love."

"What name did he say?"

The guy looked at me before muttering Adam. I looked at him for a long while before bursting out into laughter.

"Oh my god. You. You are a piece of work."

"Hey! Watch it."

"Adam is a barista here too. But he's away for a school internship and will only be back next week. I am just covering for him. Your friend did say the right person. You just have been buying coffee from the wrong person!"

The guy looked at me stunned.


"Uh uhh. You got that right. Look, I will let Adam know. Why not you bring your friend here next week and I make sure Adam is covering the counter and we can let them talk?"

"Sounds good. Thanks."

I waved it off and fixed his order for him and sent him his way. The following week, the guy came back again with his friend. I had made sure that Adam was at the counter and was busy in the kitchen at the waffle counter.

A little while later, Adam poked his head in and said someone was asking for me.


I went out, rubbing my hands on the apron and I looked up to see said customer.

"Hey. Were you the one looking for me?"

He nodded.

"Yea. I brought Forth as you had suggested. Looks like they hit it off."

I looked over at both boys who were chatting quietly at the counter. I smiled and turned to look at the customer.

"Looks like they did. Not too bad huh?"

"Yeaps. Thanks for it. Finally I can stop buying these coffees."

I laughed. "Not a fan, I guess?"

"I'm ok. Not just a fan of $5 coffees daily. The things I do for Forth."

I chuckled.

"Well I got to get back. See you when I do I guess?"

"Uh yea. Sure. Take care. Now that Adam and Forth are talking, I will not come so often but nice to know you."

I nodded. I bade him goodbye and went back into the kitchen, to be engulfed in waffle duty again.

I finally knocked off around 6pm and was heading out when I saw Forth come by to pick Adam up. Ah, this guy was sure making up for lost time. As I locked the door up, I saw Forth's friend standing at the curbside.

"Hey. You are here too?"

"Yea, I gave Forth a ride here. Now dude wants to send Adam back so I am surrendering my bike to him so that he can play the role of the perfect date."

"How are you getting home?"

"The bus."

"Would you like me to give you a ride? I am fine with that."

"Na it's cool. Thanks though. But it's ok. See ya around, Arthit."

"Sure, see you around...."

"Park. I'm Park."

"Park. See you around."

As he walked off, I couldn't help but wonder that maybe we could have been friends despite our slightly, wait, make that vastly differing personalities.

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