Jack was cut off by (Y/N) kissing him, his body tensing and eyes widening as his face becomes a bright red. After a moment, he relaxes into the kiss, his hand coming up and caressing her cheek before they pull away, Jack seeming to be in a daze as (Y/N) smiles with affection.

"I don't want to forget it," (Y/N) replies softly with a wide grin, her cheeks flushed with a blush as she laughs giddily. "I-- I love you too, Jack."

Jack's eyes were wide with awe as he watches her, a laugh of relief and joy leaving him as he picks her up, twirling me around as she yelps in protest while laughing.


Jack goofily runs around as his sister giggles, holding (Y/N)'s hand as they enter an Easter Egg Hunt.


"Jack get down from there!" His sister yells in concern as he hangs upside down from a branch, (Y/N) shaking her head in amusement.

"My monkey boy, kids," she gestures as the kids and his sister giggle.

"Hey! I heard that!" Jack laughs, gasping as he slips off the branch and lands on his back with a grunt.

"She told you to get down," (Y/N) states with a smile, her brows raised as the kids hiss and groan sympathetically.

(Y/N) walks over to Jack, chuckling and setting a kiss on his cheek as he opens his eyes with a dreamy grin.

"Your magic touch has healed me, sweetheart!" He jokes as he sits up, grabbing her and pulling her down to him.

He presses his lips against hers as his arm wraps around her waist, a muffled laugh leaving her as she leans into the kiss.

"Gross," the kids groan in disgust as his sister sharply glares at them, scaring them away before she smiles at her brother and (Y/N).


"You're funny, Jack!" A boy laughs as Jack stomps around the campfire with deer antlers on his head.

(Y/N) chuckles and softly claps as his sister sleeps soundly in her lap, snuggled against her.


(Y/N) lets go of the cliff, using her hand to help pull Jack up as she begins to slip as he climbs up.

He smiles widely with breathing out in relief, turning to (Y/N) before his heart sinks.

Jack's eyes were wide as he watches her fall off the cliff, screaming as he reaches out to her.


"I love you!" She shouts, a smile on her face as tears fall from her eyes...

And then she was gone.

"Sweetheart... Sweetheart... (Y/N)!" Jack sobs as his mother hugs him tightly, stopping him from jumping after her as he yells and fights against her.

His sister sobs with her hands clasped to her mouth, sinking to her knees as Jack gives up, his strength gone as he cries out in pain and sadness while clinging to his mother.


Jack stands over her grave, the sky above bright and blue.

He smiles softly as he looks up, shutting his eyes and enjoying the breeze as it flows past him.

Jack sighs as he kneels down, setting (F/F) on her grave before kissing his fingers, pressing it to the grave stone as he rises.

"See you tomorrow, sweetheart," he softly says, his hand brushing against the grave as he slowly stands and turns to walk out of the graveyard, wiping at his tears as he shakes his head.

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