Grief and Hope

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Third Person P.O.V

(Y/N) watches from a distance as Tooth gently sets a candle on Sandy's memorial. North and Bunny watch sadly as she rises, fluttering with a pained expression.

North and Tooth look at each other,  sighing softly as they look away. Bunny slowly takes Tooth's hand, unshed tears in his eyes as Tooth smile softly while crying. She takes North's hand, the Yetis around them mourning the loss of Sandy with them.

Elves slowly ring their bells, their expressions sad as they ring for Sandy.

(Y/N) lets out a soft sigh, wiping some tears away as she sprouts her wings and flies off to Jack.


She rests her head on Jack's shoulder as he softly sighs, resting his cheek against her head.

He gently taps the window with his finger, creating frost that forms Sandy.

"Are you two all right?" North's voice greets softly as he approaches the two. "How do you feel, (Y/N)?"

"I... I'm okay. I just... I couldn't save him," (Y/N) replies, looking at North before looking down. "He's gone because I wasn't able to... I'm sorry."

"I should have gotten there faster," Jack shakes his head, balling his fists in anger. "I should have done something."

"Done something?" North repeats, looking between the two. "Jack, (Y/N), you two stood up to Pitch. You two saved us!"

"But Sandy--" (Y/N) starts as North sits in front of them.

"Would be proud of what you did together," North cuts her off, smiling softly as Jack looks up at him.

He sighs softly, removing his hood and jumping from his spot as he paces around. (Y/N) watches him as she hugs her knees close to her, looking out the window.

"I don't know who you two were in your past lives... But in this life you are Guardians," North continues, rising and touching Jack's shoulder as he places his other hand on (Y/N)'s.

"How can we know who we are until we find out who we were?" Jack questions.

"North... Who I am now... I just have to know why." (Y/N) replies, sighing. "Why am I here? Why did I become Cupid? I need those answers to be a good Guardian."

"And you will get those answers." North replies, smiling. "I feel it..." He pats his stomach, "in my belly!"

Jack snickers as (Y/N) lightly laughs, smiling at North.


The lights on the Globe flicker, many going out as some remained.

"Look how fast they're going out..." Tooth breathes out in horror, (Y/N) grunting in pain as she sets a hand on her chest.

"You okay?" Jack softly asks, making her nod stiffly in reply with a smile.

"It's fear," (Y/N) explains as she sighs deeply, watching the lights. "The children... I feel their pain and heartache."

"He's tipped the balance," Jack realizes, flying up to the Globe and looking down at North as he places his hand on (Y/N)'s shoulder.

"Hey, buck up, you sad sacks!" Bunny grins slightly as he approaches them, hopping on the control panel. "We can still turn this around! Easter is tomorrow. And I need your help. I say we pull out all the stops and we get those little lights flickering again!"

Jack joins the group, nodding at (Y/N) with a grin.


North slams the door open, smiling as he walks.

"Bunny is right," he admits as they make their way towards the sleigh. "As much as it pains me to say, old friend, this time Easter is more important than Christmas."

Bunny's eyes widen as he gasps, looking around with a wide grin. Jack shrugs with a smile as (Y/N) nods with a grin.

"Did everyone hear that?"

"We must hurry to the warren. Everyone, to the sleigh!" North yells, Bunny's ears perking up.

"Oh, no, mate. My warren, my rules. Buckle up."

He smirks as he taps the ground twice, North's eyes widening.



Disgustingly short chapter and I hate myself for it HEHE

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