Trouble at the Tooth Palace

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Yknow I kinda wish they reformed Pitch at the end of the movie

Since there was no Cupid in the film I had this thought, "Manny made Pitch for a reason, right? Why would he just make him for fear?" And so then I thought maybe the Guardians would help Pitch and he would (with Manny's help) become Cupid and have a dramatic transformation and stuff


Anyway! Onto the story!


(Y/N)'s P.O.V

Jack continued to hold my hand as we all quickly followed North.

"Jack, I'm fine," I manage to grin, his eyes narrowing with suspicion.

"Don't seem like it," he replies in a firm tone, making me groan a sigh and roll my eyes.

"As much as I hate to admit, he's right, mate," Bunny agrees, looking at me in concern before rushing after North. "You look a bit... pale."

"I'm fine!" I groan out loudly, huffing as I shake my head.

"North! North!" Jack shouts, gently pulling me along as he dodges Yetis as North barks orders. "I told you, we're not coming with you guys! (Y/N) doesn't seem well and there is no way that we are climbing into some rickety old..."

He trails off as a large set of doors was opened by the Yetis, our mouths dropping.

"... Sleigh?"

I nudge him with my elbow, widely grinning as North's powerful reindeer emerge, snorting and excitedly jumping around the elves as they frantically flee.

One of the reindeer bucks the one behind him, making me gasp as they start to buck and accidentally hit one another. I gently hush them, pulling away from Jack as I focus on calming their negative emotions. They snort and become less tense, continuing on as I pat one of them.

"Hey!" North laughs, patting the other and nodding at me as I back away.

He speaks Russian to them in a soothing tone as I join Jack as he laughs, nodding and watching in awe.

The Yetis speak their gibberish language as the reindeer pull the magnificent sleigh out from its hiding spot. The sleigh seems to expand and grow larger once it settles down, hissing as it does so.

"Ohh, no," Bunny mumbles, shaking his head as I look back in concern.

North joins our side, looking at Jack with a smug grin as he crosses his arms. Jack mumbles to himself, looking at me with uncertainty.

"Jack, come on! I'm fine," I wave off with a grin. "Let's go! When are we ever going to be able to ride Santa's sleigh again?"

He sighs, looking at the sleigh before nodding with a firm expression.

"Okay. One ride, that's it," Jack hops in, offering his hand and helping me inside as I take it.

"Everyone loves the sleigh," North snickers, climbing in as Sandy sits besides me, Jack standing. "Bunny, what are you waiting for?"

"I think my tunnels might be faster, mate," Bunny nervously replies, tapping the sleigh with his foot. "And, um, and safer."

"Aw," I teasingly coo as his ears flatten, his face showing annoyance. "Is little Bunny afraid of heights?" I coo in a baby voice, making his nose twitch as he scoffs.

"You've been hanging around Frost too much, (Y/N)," he replies in a grumble as Jack snickers.

"Ugh! Get in!" North grabs Bunny by his scruff, easily pulling him in the sleigh. "Buckle up!"

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