Along the Via Praetoria, rows of shops advertised food, armour, weapons, coffee, gladiator equipment, and toga rentals. A chariot dealership had a big advertisement out front: CAESAR XLS W/ ANTILOCK BRAKES, NO DENARII DOWN!

At one corner of the crossroads stood the most impressive building— a two-story wedge of white marble with a columned portico like an old-fashioned bank. Roman guards stood out front. Over the doorway hung a big purple banner with the gold letters SPQR embroidered inside a laurel wreath.

"Your headquarters?" Percy asked.

Reyna faced him, her eyes still cold and hostile. "It's called the Principia."

She scanned the mob of curious campers who had followed them from the river. "Everyone back to your duties. I'll give you an update at evening muster. Remember, we have war games after dinner."

The thought of dinner made Percy's stomach rumble. The scent of barbecue from the dining hall made his mouth water. The bakery down the street smelled pretty wonderful too, but he doubted Reyna would let him get an order to go.

Hazel immediately locked eyes with Lea who had turned a funny shade of green at the mention of dinner. Are you okay? she mouthed, receiving a very unreassuring tight-lipped smile in return.

The crowd dispersed reluctantly. Some muttered comments about Percy's chances.

"He's dead," said one.

"Would be those two who found him," said another.

"Yeah," muttered another. "Let him join the Fifth Cohort. Greeks and freaks."

"Better off dead." The first boy said.

Lea's eyes narrowed. "Thomas." Her voice was low and threatening. "We've talked about this. Don't make me remind you again." The blonde girl stepped slightly in front of Hazel and Frank protectively.

"Sorry." The boy mumbled before stalking down the path they'd come from, cursing his Centurion under his breath.

"I can hear you!" Lea shouted. Her eyes burned with anger. "See me after the games." Several kids laughed at that, but Reyna scowled at them, and they cleared off.

Reyna placed a hand on Lea's shoulder. "Cilly, it's fine."

"It's not fine!" she seethed. Her hair almost stood on end with static energy. For a second, it almost looked like Lea's eyes shone brighter before she flattened her hair with her hands and frowned. "I'm cool."

"Hazel," Reyna said. "Come with us. I want your report on what happened at the gates."

"Me too?" Frank said. "Percy saved my life. We've got to let him—" Reyna gave Frank such a harsh look, he stepped back.

"I'd remind you, Frank Zhang," she said, "you are on probatio yourself. You've caused enough trouble this week."

"Reyna!" Lea hissed. Scratching aggressively at her forearm, she looked ready to scream.

Frank's ears turned red. He fiddled with a little tablet on a cord around his neck. Percy hadn't paid much attention to it, but it looked like a name tag made out of lead.

"Go to the armoury," Reyna told him. "Check our inventory. I'll call you if I need you."

"But—" Frank caught himself. "Yes, Reyna."

He hurried off.

Reyna waved Hazel and Percy toward the headquarters. "Now, Percy Jackson, let's see if we can improve your memory. Cilly, maybe you should take a walk."

"Take a walk?" Lea breathed. "I'm not a dog, Rey."

"That wasn't a question." Reyna turned on her heel and disappeared with a swish of purple.

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