"I told you..." (Y/N) starts, leaping into the air and lunging at Pitch. She grabs his collar, yanking him close as he yelps and she aims her dagger at his throat. "... Not to call me that." She hisses, his eyes widening as he raises his hands slightly in surrender.

Pitch's Nightmare whinnies as it charges at the two, making (Y/N) gasp as she leaps away from Pitch, him disappearing before reappearing further from her. His Nightmare snorts before trotting to Pitch, disappearing.

He clears his throat, dusting off his coat as Jack smirks (Y/N)'s way. (Y/N) tucks her blade away, glaring at Pitch as her bow reappears.

"Pitch... Just give back the teeth," (Y/N) sighs sharply. "And leave the Guardians and children alone."

"Teeth?" He repeats, his voice holding disbelief and confusion. "Why do you two care about the teeth--"

Pitch suddenly looks behind him, gasping and jumping when he sees Sandy standing there with his arms folded, a hard glare on him.

(Y/N) smirks as Pitch nervously laughs, Jack gasping lightly before grinning.

"Now this is who I'm looking for!" He slightly smiles as Sandy's glare never falters. "Not that I'm not thrilled to see you, (Y/N)."

Sandy's eye twitches as he cracks his sand whips, Pitch yelling and dodging them as (Y/N)'s face turns smug. Pitch summons a scythe, swinging it towards Sandy as (Y/N) gasps. She quickly aims her bow, firing a gold arrow. It hits the scythe, making Pitch stagger and gave Sandy time to leap over it.

Jack rushes forward, ducking under the blade as it swings at him and looks up at the two.

(Y/N) flies upward, flying over the swinging scythe and kicking Pitch in the back as Sandy continues to strike at him with the sand whips. Pitch snarls and swings his scythe at her, making Sandy quietly gasp and narrow his eyes in determination. He cracks his sand whip, wrapping it around the scythe's handle and whipping Pitch into the air, slamming him down and into a building as he cries out before tossing him off the building.

"... Remind me not to get on either of your bad sides," Jack lightly jokes as he joins two.

Sandy grins in reply as (Y/N) smiles, taking Jack's hand.

"Eh, you could never get on my bad side."

Jack's heart flutters lightly before he frowns as (Y/N) removes her hand. He clears his throat before following after Sandy and (Y/N) as they join Pitch.

"Okay! Easy! You can't blame me for trying, Sandy!" Pitch frantically says as he scrambles to his feet. "You don't know what it's like to be weak and hated!"

(Y/N) hesitate at his words, frowning as she feels just a tinge of sympathy for the man. Jack glares at him silently, Sandy watching him with narrowed eyes as Pitch stumbles a bit while rising.

"It-- was stupid of me to mess with your dreams, so-- I'll tell you what..." Pitch's expression of fear quickly vanishing to a smirk, his hands raising. "You can have them back."

Jack gasps and jumps at the sound of whinnying, Sandy looking around with wide eyes as (Y/N) aims her bow around.

Nightmares slowly move in the area, appearing from every nook and every dark alleyway you could imagine. They came from rooftops and houses, and began to swarm the whole area.

"You take the ones on the left and we'll take the ones on the right?" Jack nervously questions with a grin, back-to-back with (Y/N).

Sandy shrugs with an uncertain face, turning as Pitch appears on the back of his Nightmare. His sand whips appear in his palms, (Y/N)'s arrow shining a brilliant gold as she glares at Pitch.

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