"Shh!" Tooth sharply hisses, pointing to Jamie as North freezes with wide eyes.

"Oh!" He softly whispers, nodding as Sandy enters after him. "What gives, you guys?" North smiles, watching Tooth. "How you feeling, Toothy?"

"Believed in!" Tooth smiles widely, flying to North as he lets out a quiet wheeze.

"That's what I want to hear."

"Oh, I see how it is," Bunny's voice enters the room as he jumps from his tunnel. "Bad enough (Y/N) was helping Frost. But now you're all working together to make sure the rabbit gets last place!"

Jack and I jump as everyone loudly shushes Bunny, making him flinch back.

"Yeah, well, you're just jealous that me and (Y/N) make such a great couple," Jack smirks, approaching Bunny. "Check it out, Peter Cottontail!"


He takes my bag from my hand, showing it off before taking out his smaller bag, Bunny scoffing as he looks between them.

"Fine, I'll give (Y/N)'s a few points. But yours?" Bunny raises a brow. "You call that a bag of choppers?" He raises his bag that was a bit bigger than mine, "now that's a bag of choppers."

"Jack and I still beat you technically," I reply in a light tone, standing next to Jack. "We just couldn't put our teeth together because we didn't have a big enough bag."

"Exactly," Jack mockingly laughs as Bunny's face remains stoic, if not for the annoyed twitch in his nose and eye.

"Gentlemen, Cupid, this is about Tooth!" North interrupts, shoving between us and Bunny. "It's not a competition. But if it was..."

North slams his large sack of teeth onto the ground, making me flinch at the loudness.

"I win!!" He shouts, laughing and jumping around while firing finger guns in the air. "Yee-haw!!"

My eyes widen and we all freeze as a bright light was shined onto North, making him gasp and stumble.

"Santa Claus?" Jamie breathes out with a light gasp. He shines the light at Bunny, making him flinch. "The Easter Bunny?"

Bunny nervously laughs, nodding.


Sandy waves with a grin, unfazed.

"The Tooth Fairy!" Jamie's eyes widen as his light shines on Tooth, passing by me. "I knew you'd come!"

"Surprise! We came!" Tooth nervously giggles as Jamie shines his light around.

"He can see us?" Jack breathes out, his shoulder touching mine as he takes a step forward.

"Jack..." I trail off, sighing softly and taking his hand with a frown.

"Most of us," Bunny reminds in low tone as the light passes by me and Jack, Jamie not seeing either of us.

North glances sadly at us, Tooth frowning as she looks between Jamie and me.

Jack flinches slightly, his hand squeezing mine as his smile falls.

"You guys, Jamie is still awake," I remind, clearing my throat as it comes out weak.

"You're right! He is still awake!" Tooth parrots, pointing to Jamie.

"Sandy, knock him out!" Bunny quickly says, making Sandy narrow his eyes and punch his fist in his hand as Jamie gasps. "With the Dreamsand, you gumbies!"

"Uh-oh," I drag as Abby leaps onto the bed, snarling at Bunny.

"No! Stop! That's the Easter Bunny!" Jamie frantically shouts at Abby, crawling to her and setting his hand on her back. "What are you doing, Abby? Down!"

I See You (Jack Frost x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now