"Her wings?" Jack slowly repeats, his eyebrow raised in amusement.

"Are they really as white and fluffy as clouds?" Tooth eagerly questions as I look back at her. "Oh? Where are they?"

"Uh..." I trail off, blinking rapidly before I make them appear.

She squeals in delight, admiring them as I present them to her, my wings stretching out a bit and fluttering slowly.

"Wow! May I?" Tooth eagerly questions, reaching her hand towards them and pausing as she waits for my permission.

"Oh, um... I guess?" I reply slowly with furrowed brows, nodding.

I look at Jack in confusion as he grins in amusement. Tooth places her hand on my wing, gasping and cooing as her fairies do the same.

"They really are soft as clouds!" She gushes, her fairies chittering in agreement.

I look towards the others, Sandy watching Tooth with slight confusion as North simply smiles. Bunny was watching as well, a faint amused grin on his face.

One of her fairies rests on my shoulder, squeaking softly and smiling at me as she hides in my hair.

"So you can make them appear and disappear? That's gotta be handy!" Tooth quickly says, flying around before looking at Jack with a grin. "And I've heard a lot about you, too! And your teeth!"

I snicker, slapping a hand over my mouth as Jack's smile falls as he double-takes.

"My... My what?" Jack stammers.

"Open up!" Tooth pries his mouth open as he mumbles in protest, making me snicker again as I watch.

"Are they really as white as they say? Yes!" She gasps, grinning. "They really do sparkle like freshly fallen snow!"

Some fairies chitter excitedly around Jack, the fairy resting on my shoulder fluttering towards him. Some others fly to me, petting my wings as others nuzzle into them with happy sighs.

"Girls! Pull yourselves together," Tooth calls sternly, making them nod as they fly back to her. "Let's not disgrace the uniforms."

"And Sandman," North finishes, and Jack and I notice a sleeping Sandman.

He must be tired from working all night.

"Sandy?" North questions before tapping his shoulder. "Sandy? Wake up!"

Sandy jolts awake, looking at us with a small smile and a wave as he sleepily yawns.

"Hey," Jack simply calls to everyone, joining my side. "Anyone wanna tell us why we're here?"

"Right, yes," I agree, nodding as I stretch my wings out. "Please tell us."

Sandy nods, walking forward with a grin before creating images above his head. A moon, a snowflake, and a heart, a silhouette of a man, and then...

He's lost me.

"Uh," Jack nervously laughs, kneeling down to his height. "That's not really helping, but thanks, little man."

"He didn't do anything did he?" I question, making Bunny laugh bitterly and shake his head.

"I must've done somethin' really bad," Jack frosts over a nearby elf as he casually walks around. "To get you four together. But, uh, you really didn't need to bring (Y/N) here, too. Whatever I did she didn't have anything to do with it."

"Well..." I trail off, remembering the sledding incident with Jamie. "Am I on the naughty list?"

"Hah!" North bellows a laugh, grabbing his stomach as the others laugh. "You? On naughty list? Never."

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