34. Let's Play A Game!

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"Look who is finally here! My son!" the notorious mafia leader greeted the couple, showing his golden teeth with a huge smile. He was sitting on a rusty table, which was probably used as a stall before. Behind him, there were five average men standing.

Seeing the man of his nightmares, Yin An felt his limbs going limp. He forced his blurry eyes off the man and checked around frantically to see his grandmother.

There she was, tied on a chair, her grey hair messy and her eyes closed. At least, there was no sign of physical violence. She seemed to be just sleeping.

"GRANDMA!" Yin An exclaimed in horror and wanted to rush to her, but several men with cheap black suits blocked his path.

Fearing they would dare to touch his lover, Yang Guang swiftly pulled the small man behind him.

"Nononono," the old creepy man waved his finger, adding a gesture to his words, "not so easy, son. I have waited soooo long to meet you, so be a good boy and offer your loyalty."

"Never!" Yin An shouted with determination as he took a step forward behind his boyfriend to look the creepy man in the eye, "you are just my mother's killer, not my father, and I will never be your dirty pawn!"

Despite the direness of the situation, Yang Guang found himself smiling in the face of his lover's courage. Well, the alleged father was also smiling, but his smile was a sinister one.

"Oh well," the mafia leader clicked his tongue, "if not by will, by force you will join me," he declared and snapped his fingers.

With the command, the five men behind him went to the left corner of the huge concrete area and dragged two beaten-up figures out of darkness to the centre of the room, which was illuminated through the glassless window by the headlights of one of the mafia's cars.

Like sacks of potatoes, the men dropped those two men on the dusty ground. As their wrists were tied in front with hemp ropes, the men could only roll to their backs to lessen the pressure.

Yin An and Yang Guang stared down at the men alienly until the mafia leader broke the silence.

"For this merry occasion, we have special guests, you see," he announced blithely and jumped on his feet, "here we have the third biggest mafia boss of the city," he said as he kicked the man from his side harshly, making him groan in pain; then he kicked the other man, saying, "and here we have a rather familiar face; chief Hu!"

Hearing the name, blood froze in Yin An's veins. His fearful gaze fell onto the mentioned man and though it was smeared by his own blood, there was no doubt. He was the very same officer Hu who helped them to get away from his father.

Apparently, there was no end of his father's grudge and power. How could he find and kidnap him that easily?! Maybe they left a clue when the chief helped him to move into the house in MuMu Forest.

Then it is my fault... again...

"Yin An!" Yang Guang held his arms, steadying him on his feet, "who is he?" he whispered.

The small man didn't even hear the question. With his gaze stuck to the half-conscious man, he asked "w-what do you want?"

The mafia leader clapped his hands with a laugh, "we will just play a game!" He made a head gesture to his men and in a second the beaten-up men were placed on two chairs next to each other.

"Hmm," the old man looked at the scene with dissatisfaction, "bring him," he commanded and suddenly Yang Guang was hit by his head and placed on another chair next to the others, unconscious, while Yin An was held back by two mafia members.

"LET HIM GOOO!" Yin An kept shouting as he struggled to break free.

Being deaf to his cries, the mafia leader smiled brightly and decided to add the grandmother too. Two men carried her with the chair and placed her next to Yang Guang. Now they were sitting in this order; the rival mafia leader, the chief, Yang Guang and the grandmother.

"NOOOOO! LEAVE THEM ALONE! PLEASEEE!" Yin An screamed his lungs out with never-ending tears, but it only pleased the cruel man. As if it wasn't enough, his yin energy also started to act up.

"Perfect!" the mafia leader clapped his hands again, "now, my dear son, it is time to show your magic. Choose one and kill!"

"WHAATT?" Yin An exclaimed as he tried to push the black energy down just like his boyfriend taught him.

"You heard me," the old man smiled, sending shivers to his son's bones.

"I-I can't!"

"Well, you have to," the evil man declared and one of the men took out his gun, directing it to the captives one by one, "otherwise I have to kill them all!"

"Noo!" Yin An exclaimed rather mildly as he started to lose the battle against his power. He would even collapse to the ground if the men didn't hold him up.

Luckily, before it was too late, Yang Guang woke up with a mild headache. One glance towards his lover and he immediately knew his attack was coming rather fast.

"Choose one and kill! Fast!" the old man shouted as he rushed to his son, shaking him full force.

Hearing the old man, the tall man gasped. So, he was after it. He wanted to break Yin An's soul and make him a broken criminal in order to force him to stay with him.

Think! Think!

He urged himself and a risky plan formed in his head.

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