Father's Day and A Quick Goodbye

Start from the beginning

This caused Rose to perk up instantly. "I want to see him." she said urgently.

"Your wish is my command. But be careful what you wish for." The Doctor warned her as a sinking feeling grew in Celestia's stomach. She watched as the Doctor got up from his seat and started putting in the coordinates. She wondered if she should speak up but instead continued to comfort Rose and keep to herself, she would speak up if anything were to happen. 

The Doctor had first taken them to the day Jackie and Pete got married; wanting to show Rose how happy her parents were and how much they loved each other. Celestia had quietly disagreed with him, not wanting Rose to see such a happy occasion just for it to be ruined by what was to come later but Rose had agreed with the Doctor and insisted on seeing her parents wedding ceremony. 

They sat in the middle of the register office chairs, far enough to be hidden by the other guests but still close enough to get a good look at the both of them. They were a bit underdress for the event, but no one seemed to mind nor bother to speak to them about it.

"I, Peter Alan Tyler, take you, Jacqueline Angela Suzette Prentice." the registrar said as he looked at the nervous Pete Tyler.

"I, Peter Alan Tyler, take you, Jacqueline Suzanne Suzette Anita.." Pete messed up. Jackie's face fell for a bit while Pete gave the registrar a look of help, who didn't fail to send him a look back. Pete didn't know how to continue on for his mistake, but Jackie quickly collected herself.

"Oh, just carry on. It's good enough for Lady Di." Jackie said but Celestia could tell that Jackie was still a bit upset over the matter but that it wasn't going to ruin her day. The Doctor just smiled at the scene while Rose frowned.

"I thought he'd be taller." She commented as she stared at her father. Celestia offered Rose her hand to hold, which she quickly accepted as they continued to watch the ceremony.

"To be my lawful wedded wife, to love and behold till death us do part." the registrar said carefully for Pete to repeat.

At the end of the ceremony, Jackie and Pete were thanking some of the guest that had attended. Celestia, Rose and the Doctor decided it was time for them to leave as to not bump into them and be questioned; they went out to leave but stopped to give Rose a moment to look at the scene for a bit longer.

"Your mum looks so lovely." Celestia said to Rose as she stared at Jackie, who shined so much brighter in her wedding outfit. She looked so radiant, just being with the man she loved and so full of hope for the future. If only she knew what was yet to come. "You guys have that same smile. Like a million of suns shining so brightly." she told Rose, whose smile was small yet still so full of light.

They walked back into the Tardis with Rose telling them of what her mother had told her about the day her father had died. How much Jackie wished that there was someone there for her father when he died.

"I want to be that someone, so he doesn't die alone." Rose told them as they all stood in the console room. Celestia had a conflicted expression on her face, but the Doctor had nodded; ready to help his friend.

"November the 7th?" he asked, confirming the date.

"1987." Rose confirmed as the Doctor put in the new location and parked the Tardis. Rose looked at the door nervously as Celestia pulled the Doctor aside, telling Rose to give them a moment.

"Are you really sure this is the smartest thing to do? This is Rose we are talking about." Celestia asked the Doctor, who looked at her in confusion.

"What do you mean by that?" he asked, a bit offended for his friend.

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