If it wasn't for Reyna catching her arm and stopping her, Lea was sure she would've wandered into the river to get the best view. The boy made a smashing gesture with his fists, and the giant hands plunged the gorgons into the Tiber. The monsters hit bottom and broke into dust. Glittering clouds of gorgon essence struggled to re-form, but the river pulled them apart like a blender.

Soon, every trace of the gorgons was swept downstream. The whirlpools vanished, and the current returned to normal.

Lea dropped her arm. The dark-haired boy stood on the riverbank. His clothes and his skin steamed as if the Tiber's waters had given him an acid bath. She grimaced, she couldn't imagine he was enjoying his bath.

In the middle of the Tiber, Frank stumbled around, looking stunned but perfectly fine. Hazel waded out and helped him ashore. Lea snapped into action. The Asian boy smiled appreciatively as she began cleaning and dressing his claw wounds. He tried his best not to grimace in pain, as every time he did, it made Lea frown.

"I'm sorry. I'm going as fast as I can, love." Her voice was soft, untouched by the malice that Frank had grown so used to in the confines of Camp Jupiter.

"It's okay. I'm just a baby when it comes to this."

Shock coated the girl's face. "You just held off two Gorgons, you're allowed to be in pain." A smile slipped onto Frank's face at her words. "Pretty impressive if you ask me."

Frank said nothing more, but no longer pulled away from the cleansing balm.

"Well, that was a lovely trip," the old lady next to Waterboy said. 'Thank you, Percy Jackson, for bringing me to Camp Jupiter.'

Reyna made a choking sound. "Percy... Jackson?" She sounded as if she recognized his name. Lea faltered as she wrapped Frank's arm, throwing the girl a curious glance.

She laughed with delight. "Oh, yes. You'll have such fun together!"

Then, just because the day hadn't been weird enough already, the old lady began to glow and change form. She grew until she was a shining seven-foot-tall goddess in a blue dress, with a cloak that looked like goat's skin over her shoulders. Her face was stern and stately. In her hand was a staff topped with a lotus flower.

If it was possible for the campers to look more stunned, they did.

Reyna dropped to one knee immediately. The others followed her lead. One of the demigods from the Third Cohort got down so hastily that he almost impaled himself on his sword.

Lea helped Frank shuffle onto his knees, before copying him.

Hazel was the first to speak. "Juno." She fell to her knees, leaving Percy Jackson as the only one standing.

"Juno, huh?" he said. "If I passed your test, can I have my memory and my life back?"

The goddess smiled. "In time, Percy Jackson, if you succeed here at camp. You've done well today, which is a good start. Perhaps there's hope for you yet." She turned to the other demigods. "Romans, I present to you the son of Neptune. For months he has been slumbering, but now he is awake. His fate is in your hands. The Feast of Fortune comes quickly, and Death must be unleashed if you are to stand any hope in the battle. Do not fail me!" Juno shimmered and disappeared.

Percy looked at Hazel and Frank for some kind of explanation, but they seemed just as confused as he was. That was the first time that Percy had noticed the blonde girl who was still wrapping Frank's wounds.

Frank was holding something Percy hadn't noticed before – two small clay flasks with cork stoppers, like potions, one in each hand. Frank tried to slip them into his pockets, but Lea smacked his hand. "I'm not done." Frank caught Percy's stare and gave him a look: We'll talk about it later.

Finally, Frank was released but the Daughter of Apollo turned her attention to Hazel. As much as the young girl fought, Lea practically tackled her to look after her cuts and bruises.

Reyna cautiously stepped forward. She examined Percy warily. "So," she said coldly, "a son of Neptune, who comes to us with the blessing of Juno."

"Look," he said, "my memory's a little fuzzy. Um, it's gone, actually. Do I know you?"

The Praetor hesitated. "I am Reyna, praetor of the Twelfth Legion. And... no, I don't know you."

Reyna's eyes danced to Lea, who was coating Hazel's wounds with balm without looking away from her Praetor. They shared a look and for the first time since Jason had disappeared, Lea knew Reyna was feeling the same guilt she felt. In a twisted way, it made her smile. "Done."

"Right. Hazel," said Reyna, "bring him inside. I want to question him at the Principia. Then we'll send him to Octavian. We must consult the auguries before we decide what to do with him.'

"What do you mean," Percy asked, "decide what to do with me?"

Reyna's hand tightened on her dagger. Lea cleared her throat as she stood up, drawing Reyna's attention for a split second. That split second was enough for the girl's grip to ease on the hilt of her dagger. "Before we accept anyone into camp, we must interrogate them and read the auguries. Juno said your fate is in our hands. We have to know whether the goddess has brought us a new recruit." Reyna studied Percy as if she found that doubtful. "Or," she said more hopefully, "if she's brought us an enemy to kill."

"Dramatic much?" Lea muttered, turning her attention to Percy. Her soft amber eyes took him in like he was a puzzle. She hummed under her breath as she began digging through her bag. No one moved until she straightened her back. Passing a square of something to Percy, she gestured for him to eat it. As she did so, it seemed to dismiss the gathered demigods, who all turned on their heels and headed back toward the creaky gates.

"Is this poison?" Percy asked, turning the square of food over in his hands.

The Apollo girl nodded, slugging the bag on her back again. "Yep. Fresh poison, just for you Waterboy." When Percy didn't move, Lea laughed. "It'll heal you. Trust me, killing you is the exact opposite of my job." With a polite smile, the blonde moved around him and jogged lightly to catch up to a disappearing Reyna.

Hazel nodded. "Lea is one of the nice ones, she wouldn't poison you."

"Hazel." Frank hissed.

"It's true!"

The Asian boy shook his head. "You still shouldn't say it. It could get someone in trouble."

Tentatively, Percy tossed the square into his mouth. Immediately, he was filled with warmth as the flavours of a chocolate chip cookie flowed down his throat. His eyes flickered shut in a vain attempt to savour the taste but it was gone as quickly as it had arrived.

Catch Fire || P. Jacksonजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें