010. ꕥ The Worst Plan Possible

Start from the beginning

Something clicked in my mind, my head tilting to return to eye contact with Harper. "Wait. So he didn't tell you anything about what happened?"

"No." She shook her head, clearing the assumption that Bellamy had told Harper about Alex from my mind. "I found you, hoping that you would tell me."

For just about as long as I can remember, I'd always told Harper every single aspect of my life — from the moment I met her, I was telling Harper who I was and why I was locked up in the Skybox. She was the one I could always say anything to and not be hurt or distraught by her actions, and she was someone who I always felt comfortable around. The day I told her I was pregnant, I remember feeling nothing but happiness and assurance that someone as caring as her was going to be by my side through it all. And it was the same way around with Harper always telling me everything. She told me about her and Monty, and she even told me when she didn't feel like living any longer. We were each other's rocks, wanting to lean on each other for support when telling each other things, but telling her about Alex was something that I could not admit, not yet, at least. There were a lot of aspects of my life during these past six years that I did not plan on sharing with anyone.

"I'm sorry, Harper." I despondently shook my head, coming to terms with the fact that there was one thing I simply could not tell the blond. "That's something I just can't tell you. I hope you can understand."

She shook her head at me, nodding her head dolefully, indicating that she did indeed understand before she even said the words. "I do. I'm sorry for pushing you to tell me."

"It's okay." I smiled lightly. "If the roles were reversed, I would've done the same thing."

Harper chuckled. "I'm sure you would've."

I started to walk so Harper and I were shoulder to shoulder again, and the two of us resumed walking down the corridors of the Second Dawn Bunker. This was what I enjoyed about being with Harper; we didn't have to talk or anything to be happy around one another. Just being in each other's presence was enough.

"Do you wanna come back to my room with me? I was gonna drop the book off and head to the mess hall." I asked as we turned a corner.

Composedly, Harper shook her head. "I wish I could, but I have to go back to the computer. Take my turn in waiting for the eye to be down."

With a disappointed but understanding frown, I nodded at Harper. "See you around."

"See you around." She grinned before departing down a separate hallway, heading in the opposite direction I was.


Based on the amount of protein splattered on the metallic tray in front of me, it was sufficient to say that the hydrofarm was on its very last legs, and they were wobbling, ready to break at a moment's notice. Everyone knew this already, but I didn't truly grasp how totally screwed we were from it until I saw the food on my tray sitting there, staring me in the face.

I sat alone at one of the many tables that sat four in the cafeteria, near the middle of the room, I would say — not by choice, that was. The fork in my hand was gripped loosely as my hand absentmindedly scooped some food up and put it in my mouth, barely replenishing my body. My eyes were cast all around the room, observing people as they sat and talked; most I heard conversing about the oncoming war. Some were even discriminating against Octavia's order that the food brought yesterday be burned — I made a mental note to think about whether I was to tell Octavia about this.

My eyes had just wandered down to the tray with half of my food left when I heard the chair in front of me move, its legs scraping against the floor before I heard a body settle into the seat. I had the foggiest idea of who it was just based on the presence they brought and the tenseness that flowed out of their body.

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