"Yuichiro has a crush on Genya!"

"I do not like him! He's just...well...he is kinda h-What..?! No!" I hid behind Nezuko just in case he decides to take his anger out on me and she yelled, "Aww admit it~you like Genya~" Yuichiro looked away with his face red. That gave me a wonderful idea. I whispered my plan in Nezuko's ear and she smirked and we walked away leaving a confused Yuichiro behind and we went over to the others. That now being Rui and Kotestu.


"Okay y'all! Operation find out Yuichiro's secret! Starts now!" I yelled with confidence and the others got to work.


✨🌸~Muichiro's "perfect" plan~🌸✨

I would host a sleepover at my house inviting everyone, including Genya for obvious reasons.

Rui would distract Yuichiro and Genya.

While Rui does his thing, Senjuro will be keeping look out while me, kotestu and Nezuko try to find some hints on linking Yuichiro to liking Genya.

Something tells me that this would go totally wrong but who cares!


rd person pov


Even if Muichiro thought everything would go smooth, their friends also decided to get Tanjiro to come along so they can play with Tanjiro and Muichiro at the same time with the other two they were originally assigned on. "You did what now?" Muichiro asked, confused, "I invited Tanjiro if that's alright! I felt like if we just add Genya Yuichiro might be a little suspicious don't you think?" Nezuko said and Muichiro thought about it for a little and he shrugged his shoulders m "I suppose your right on that. That's fine then! Invite him!" Nezuko already did and hung up on the phone and Yuichiro walked in and said out loud,

"Did I hear my name if y'all's call?"

"Were your listening on me and Nezuko's call?!"

"Just pick one, is it Nezuko or Tanjiro?" Muichiro felt cringe at the thought of him and Nezuko being together, he already knew that Nezuko had a crush on Zenitsu and she knew he liked Tanjiro for the longest time. "Uhhh nevermind, I'm inviting my friends, Nezuko, Senjuro, Rui, Kotestu, Genyaz and Tanjiro if that's fine, I want you to join to, it's a sleepover by the way."

"Why so many?"

"Look we are gonna graduate from highschool one day might as well have a huge sleepover before highschool ends right?" Yuichiro rolled his eyes and nodded anyways and walked out the room, shutting the door behind him. Meanwhile Muichiro smirked knowing what would be coming tonight for Yuichiro and then acted like everything was normal and he was clueless on the whole idea. Later on that night, everyone eventually arrived, that is when the plan plays into action.

"Oh hey! Kotestu, Nezuko, Senjuro, there is something I meant to show you guys that I showed the others come and see real quick! We'll be back in a bit!" As the four left the room, Rui secretly smiled at Muichiro and Muichiro smiled backs and Rui said, "So Muichiro wanted to do this so let me show you a skill of mine!"

"And what's that?" Tanjiro asked, curious while the other two were just sitting ducks, "it's a game I love to play, it's called Cat's cradle, here let me show you!"

Meanwhile with the other four, they snuck into Yuichiro's room and Muichiro said, "alright Senjuro, keep an eye out for anyone passing by, Kotestu, Nezuko, it's time to search!" Muichiro did feel bad for going through Yuichiro's stuff, but Muichiro felt like it was unfair if Yuichiro knew his crush and he didn't. As Senjuro was keeping an eye out, the three began searching for something and Kotestu asked, "Damn it's Dusty here! Why the hell does he have all these games?! Does he need this many?" Muichiro shrugged his shoulders and then Nezuko eventually found something.

"Guys! I found his journal! But it's his one from 6th-8th grade, do you think he liked him for that long?" Nezuko asked and Kotestu said, "only one way to find out..." Nezuko opened it up and then began flipping through pages and tried to find a single hint and then eventually found something. "I think I found something..." The others gathered around and then Muichiro grabbed the jorunal from Nezuko and began reading it out loud,

October 24th, 20XX, 8th grade,
Hello Jorunal, been a while since I last written to you, nothing much changed since last month, but recently a new kid named Genya joined our class, for some reason I felt something when I did first meet him, he sits in front of me and I couldn't get him out of my mind. Muichiro described similar feelings when he first met Tanjiro and later found out he feel in love with him. I wonder if I could be falling in love as well, I'm scared to be around him, I don't want him to find out, not when I hardly know him, I fear he might think I'm something else, maybe creepy or weird. I don't think I ever want to tell him.

"Poor Yuichiro..." Senjuro said and everyone stared at him, "What? Did I say something wrong? I'm sorry if I did!" The others shook their head which left Senjuro confused and Kotestu said, "Aren't you supposed to be keeping a look out-?!"


"Every time Tanjiro and Muichiro are alone back in middle school, Nezuko always had to text Tanjiro on what to say to Muichiro to not make it awkward. "

🌸🌷~Thanks for Reading~🌷🌸
Word count: 1,542

~My best friend's older brother~|Kyn|~Muichiro x Tanjiro~जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें