Chapter 24. A Tricky Role

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"It doesn't make any sense –"

"But it does. It's not love that drives him; it's an obsession with you. That's why he killed Gregory – to make you vulnerable and draw you closer to him."

She paused, absorbing his words. "Are you certain about this?"

"That day when the parcel for Gregory arrived, John was downstairs. He removed the label and asked you to take the antidote for your forest trip. He knew what was about to happen."

Ann nodded, though her hesitation was evident as she battled her inner doubts.

"In addition, he spied on us after we returned from the mountains," Theo revealed. "That night, when you saved me and caused the storm, John managed to record our kiss and our private conversation. He later used it to blackmail me and force me out of the investigation."

"He did what?!"

Theo let out a sigh. "I know it sounds unbelievable. But please, try to understand. If you go back to him and set a wedding date, he will believe he has complete possession over you. Then, at the last moment before you say 'Yes,' I will appear at the ceremony. If my theory about his obsession is correct, he won't be able to handle it. He will do something foolish and incriminate himself."

"But what about us?"

He gently brushed a strand of hair from her forehead. "We'll have to pretend to break up. Soon, John will walk in, and we'll need to play our roles. Then I will leave. But don't worry – we will stay in touch through the Calling crystals."

Ann gasped, visibly uncomfortable with his plan. "What if you're wrong? What if he has nothing to do with it, and you're about to falsely accuse an innocent man in front of everyone?"

The door creaked open, and Theo pulled her into a tight embrace, pressing his forehead against hers. "It's time. I'm sorry I asked you to do this, but I wouldn't if there was any other way."

She sobbed, her voice choked with emotion. "I don't know how I'll handle this."

"You have to trust your instincts, Ann," he urged, gently placing his hand over his chest. "Deep within, you will find your strength."

"I promise – I'll do my best," she vowed, raising her hands to his face to kiss him one last time. Her lips were swollen and slightly salty from the tears. The tears she never intended to shed until that despicable John started meddling with her life.

As she pulled away, Theo gave her a sorrowful look and raised his voice, ensuring that John could hear him. "But we must break up now. I'm so sorry I gave you false hope."

"Don't be sorry." She shook her head, turning away, and his heart ached at her response. "Just go home, Theo. I'll be fine on my own." With those words, she grabbed the hem of her skirt and ran outside, leaving him behind, devastated.

Gee. Ann had played her role convincingly. So convincingly that Theo almost believed she had rejected him. And even though he knew it wasn't real, the pain of being left alone was still crushing.

But Theo wasn't truly alone. As soon as Ann was out of sight, the air beside him trembled, and John revealed himself, wearing a wide grin on his face.

"Good boy," John praised.

Theo felt a surge of anger, wanting to shout at him and place the blame for everything he had done. But doing so would ruin all the careful planning and hard work Theo had put into this scheme. So, he clenched his fists in response, his voice filled with restrained fury. "I hope you're happy now."

"I am. You didn't need to come back, though. But I believe it's for the best. After Ann has this closure, she will be more compliant."

Keep thinking that way, Theo thought bitterly. "Take care of her. If you ever dare to harm her, I'll make you pay for it."

John laughed, the sound sending shivers down Theo's spine. "You might forget about our little agreement. If you ever return to Montville, your career will be ruined."

"Thank you for the reminder," Theo retorted sarcastically.

"Shouldn't you be leaving now?"

Theo let out a heavy sigh and walked away.

~ • ~ ☆ ~ • ~ ☆ ~ • ~ ☆ ~ • ~

To be continued...

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P.S. Are you ready for the scene of catching John? I promise - it will be fun 😉

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