First meeting

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Mumbo stood in front of the large apartment buiding, eyes gazing around the surrounding area. The most he had manage to do was get through the fence due to the help of a person who had been entering the complex. Now all he had to do was wait for the owner to arrive. Simple enough.

He quickly pulled out his phone to check the time. Just in case he had somehow missed the appointment meeting. 10:25 am, five minutes early. He let out a sigh of relief, fairly certain if he was late he would have become more of a nervous wreck then he already was.

After a few minutes of waiting, Mumbo heard the door open.

Walking towards him with a clipboard and pen was a young woman possibly in her mid 30's. A pink cardigan hugging her waist with small flower embroidery was what stood out the most to him. The rest of her outfit consisted of a pair of blue shorts and a white button up.

"Hi! I'm assuming you're Mumbo K Jumbo?" The woman asked.

Mumbo gave a short nod before the woman held out her hand, a large smile spread on her face. Thankfully not to the point where it was creepy.

"I'm Stress, lovely to meet you!" She had said it in such a happy tone that it made Mumbo think she had consumed caffeine before the interaction.

Stress stuck her hand out and it took a moment for Mumbo to process that he needed to shake hands with her. He quickly shook hands with the woman he had just been introduced to. Once they had let go Stress motioned to the door.

"Come on, I'll show you inside. Do you prefer steps or elevator?" She questioned.

Mumbo was taken aback by that. Not many people had asked him what he wanted and he just commonly went with what others did. But it wasn't like Mumbo needed to use the elevator. He wasn't a huge fan of cramped spaces either.

"Stairs." Mumbo said before remembering manners, "Please."

Stress gave a nod and it wasn't long before the two had made it up three flights of stairs. One for each level. Mumbo wasn't the sporty type so a walk like this certainly had him out of breath, if not for a second. However Stress seemed unaffected. Probably because she may have been here for much longer and she certainly wasn't built as fragile as him.

Wandering down the hall, Stress stopped at a door to which Mumbo was quick to follow. The oak door had a copper 17 on it along with a doorbell button just out of reach of the doorframe. All it took was a press from Stress to hear a small tune on the other side.

"Coming!" A voice yelled.

It wasn't the phone of the man on the phone the other night so it must have been Scar.

Footsteps almost as if the man were running approached the door and in one swift motion the door flung open revealing a well lit room. Mumbo couldn't place it earlier but he had heard music from the door before the bell had even rung. Now he could pinpoint the music being Christmas music. An odd thing in June of all times of the year but he wasn't about the judge the man for his taste.

The male in front of the door had not been one Mumbo had expected. Scar, living up to his name, had a large scar across his nose. He was on the muscular side and more scars had littered his arms and some on his chest from the small glance Mumbo had seen from the buttons that hadn't been done up quite right. He had green eyes that put Mumbo at a sense of ease for a reason he couldn't explain.

"Hello there!" Scar grinned as his eyes trailed to the darker hair male near the usual landlord.

Mumbo simply gave an awkward wave. It didn't seem to make Scar upset that he hadn't got a verbal response which was good. Scar took a moment, seemingly processing something.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2023 ⏰

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