Small call

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It was supposed to be temporary.

That's what Mumbo had convinced himself when he first agreed to move into a new place. For almost 2 years he had struggled to keep a work and home balance, which had often led to him overworking himself then collapsing on his bed at random times in the night. Then the cycle would continue. And again. And again. The only reason he had been forced out of that habit was due to his friend Impulse.

But old habits died hard and Mumbo has continued to overwork to the point he would fall asleep in meetings. It wasn't until more prodding and research from Impulse that Mumbo had agreed to not sleep in his office. The small paper slip Impulse had given him was an advertisement for a three bedroom, two bathroom apartment with two roomates looking for a new friend. Rent was fairly cheap but that may have been due to the other two paying the other half.

One email later and Mumbo had been accepted into a meeting with the apartment complex owner and the occupants in a few days. Normally it would have been too much too quickly but at this point he just wanted to get it over with. Either he'd get to stay or not. If he didn't get it then he could have gone back to his nice routine, even if it wasn't exactly healthy.

He had been given both of the numbers of the occupants, which was a nice way of the owner telling him 'let these people know before you arrive so they can get their shit together'. It had taken him at least a day to gather the courage to contact one of the people. He didn't bother to look at which number he had called and let the phone ring.

And ring...and ring...

"Hello? This is Grian speaking."

Mumbo felt his heart skip a beat. Someone actually picked up. He didnt know why he hadn't expected someone to pick up but it was welcome regardless. It was silent for a moment before Mumbo had said anything.

"Erm, Hi! I'm here to call about the apartment?" Mumbo tried his best to not let the anxiety show in his voice.

"Ohhhh you're the guy coming to see us! So I give you my name but I don't get yours in return?" Grian chuckled, clearly just messing with him.

Pink tinted Mumbos cheeks, if that was out of embarrassment or humiliation about being called out for his rudeness even he wasn't sure.

"I'm Mumbo Jumbo...and you're...Grian?" His voice had sounded a bit more nervous than he had intended. God he sounded impolite when he said that.

"Yep, I'm Grian. The other guy living here's Scar but he's in the middle of one of his 'baking zone' moments. You didn't look at our names?"

A yell that sounded like it had come from futher away came through the phone. Probably Scar. Either it was Scar or a man had broken into the house just to cook for the man

"It's not the baking zone, it's called making dinner!" The voice said.

Mumbo could hear the faint sound of Grian mumbling followed by the phone being rubbed against something.

"I- Scar your cat has already decided to make friends with the guy!" Grian exclaimed.

A small laugh escaped Mumbo's lips. Until he suddenly stopped, realising it probably wasn't normal to laugh at something that wasn't even directed at you.

Grian let out a sigh, "Sorry about that. Jellie has decided I'm her new pillow and petting station right now."

"There's no problem with that. I simply wanted to make sure if it was alright if I arrive tomorrow evening?"

Slight shuffling echoed from the phone on Grians end, "Um yeah that should be fine. I'll probably be out by the time you get here I have errands you know?"

"A busy man, I understand. As long as your friend is there then it shouldn't be an issue"

"Friend...right" Grian muttered before clearing his throat, "I hope Scar doesn't wander off when we have guests. Might have to put sticky notes everywhere before you arrive."

Mumbo made a noise of acknowledgement. If Grian was being serious then it would take ages for Scar to clean it up, which might be amusing to watch. It wasn't his problem though.

"Oh shoot- dinners ready. Well it's nice to hear your voice and I hope to see you tomorrow Mr. Jumbo"

'Mr. Jumbo?' It was strange to hear it out someone who wasn't younger than him. However Grians voice made it hard to determine his age. Early 20's perhaps? It would have been rude to ask the man's age so he refrained from it.

"See you soon Grian" Mumbo replied.

With that, the call was over and Mumbo was left with his thoughts. Not for long as tiredness swept over him. He had been working all day and the temptation to get back to work was strong, yet the need to sleep was even stronger. So he had shuffled his way to his bed and collapsed into a dreamless sleep.

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