#5-Back to the beginning

Start bij het begin

*Cobs saw that, he narrowed his eyes and then sighed*
-Get out... *He walked back to his desk and sat down* Next time know you're place!

*Cabby nodded and she quickly left the room not wanting to get in trouble*


*Mephone was sitting in his room after he finished working on the robot parts, like always*

*He heard Suitcase walk by his room talking to herself, saying stuff like "I don't trust him" and "I wish I could see Lightbulb again"*

*Mephone felt so bad, he knew Cobs secret, he knew where Lightbulb is and his just keeping it to himself, but he also can't tell anyone, or not right now, he can't*

*After a few more seconds Suitcases rembelling to herself couldn't be heard anymore, which means she was now far away from Mephones room*

*He sighed and got up to look outside his window even tho there's nothing to see except clouds... And Cabby leaving?*

"Huh? It's already her time to leave?"
*Mephone thought to himself, usually Cabby leaves somewhere for one or two days and then comes back, but the only times she left were on weekends*

*Mephone looked at what day was it, and it was Monday, not even close to the weekends*

"Hmm that's weird" *He always wanted to know where she was going...*


*Cabby sprinted out of the meeple building knowing that she's allowed without asking*

*She actually left because she was scared of Cobs doing something to her friends and girlfriend, she just wanted to check on them and try not to look suspicious because she left for so long*

*Cabby was now going to the place where all of this started, hotel OJ*

*Cabby was now going to the place where all of this started, hotel OJ*

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(A/N: 1gn0re the backgr0und 1k 1tz bad, th1z waz rushed 😭)

*When she arrived, Knife was outside smoking but when he saw Cabby he waved her over*

-Hey Cabby, you already back from home?*He said in a groggy voice and smiled*

-Heh yeah- *She had to lie about where she actually was, Cabby was tired of lying all day long, but she had to or Cobs would tell her girlfriend and friends about her secret and he might even hurt them*

-But what are you doing without your wheel chair? You know your not allowed to stay more then ten minutes without it. *Cabby smiled, trying to ignore her thoughts*

-Oh it's inside Hotel OJ, can you get it for me? *Knife said while taking another smoke*

*Cabby nodded and walked inside where she saw OJ talking with paper, they were probably discussing about what next challenge should be, Cabby was to tired for a challenge but she had no choice*

*Cabby took Knifes wheelchair and brought it to him*
-Do you need help with-

-Nope I can do it myself, but thanks. *He slowly tried to sit down on the wheelchair, grunting a little while doing so*

-So have you seen the missing objects anywhere? *Knife asked as he flung his cigarette on the ground*
-No, I would've told you already if I saw them. *She chuckled awkwardly*

-Yeah I know, I was just checking... *He took a pause looking dead serious* Ya know, Paintbrush and Fan are starting to get really affected by this, especially Fan. I mean it has been months since we last saw test tube, lightbulb and suitcase, and I don't think either of them wanna accept their best friends are gone.

*Cabby looked away feeling guilty and then she mumbled*
-I know, but we can't do anything about it, can we? If their not trying to let go.

-But they could, if someone helped them.
*Cabby knew what Knife ment by that and she nodded before quickly running to the stairs to go check on the two and maybe even help*

*She had to help before she started feeling worse about this*


Another day, another zlay 😋
(1151 w0rdz)

|| T.E.C.H || inanimate insanity AU ||Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu