Weak (WA)

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Wednesdays pov

Great, just what I need, another interruption. I thought grimly as I sat on my bed, arms crossed as I glared at Enid from across the dorm. "Who's coming over anyway...Yoko?" I ask Enid with an annoyed glare. "No, it's actually y/n!" I instantly froze in place, y/n?...no- it can't be her...it cant.

Enid tilted her head at me, eyebrows slightly furrowed as she scanned my face. There was very little difference from my usual expression, but clearly Enid noticed. She noticed as my eyes slightly widened and as my body became tense.

"Wednesday...?" She said cautiously. "Who....is y/n?" I ask blankly. "Um...y/n l/n...?" She said, looking curious. It's her...it's really her, it can't be her...there's no way she can see me again...not after that. I thought as I stood up and crossed the room to Enids side, grimacing as I stepped across the border separating me from the color.

"She can not come here" i hiss at Enid as a look of concern crossed her face. "Um...w-why not?" She asked nervously, watching as I stepped closer. I purse my lips as I thought about why...why I can't see her again...and why she can never see me. "Because...she can make my life a living hell...and not in a good way"

Enid looked at me curiously but didn't push the matter. "Well...she's- kind of on her way..." Enid said, shuffling her feet slightly as she looked at me. My jaw clenched instantly as i opened my mouth to reply. Before I could snap at Enid three gentle knocks were heard at the door.

My head snapped towards the door and I glared at Enid before going back to my side, staying completely silent in case y/n had heard me. "Um...Enid?" I heard from behind the door. Enid walked to the door, glancing at me nervously. I sigh, a look of anger in my face.

Y/ns pov

I walked in as Enid opened the door, a soft smile on my face before I saw Wednesday. My face instantly fell, a look of worry and sadness replacing the happiness. "Wednesday...?" I asked, my voice shaky as I looked at her. "...y/n" she replied icily, her look of hatred remained but...there was something else, a hint of regret.

I looked at Enid, who looked worried and confused. She glanced between me and Wednesday as if she could understand the situation. No...no one could ever understand it.

Wednesday glared at me, her features laced with a look of pure hatred. She scanned me up and down before turning away towards Enid. "She can't stay here" she hissed. "I- I'm sure she won't-" Enids sentence trailed off as she caught Wednesdays gaze. "Right...um- let's just...let's just go to your dorm" she mumbled before quickly stepping outside.

I followed her helplessly. Disappointed I didn't say anything. God...I had one chance to fix things, one chance.

Wednesdays pov

God Wednesday, you just had to pass up the one opportunity you had to make it up to her didn't you? I scold myself, glaring at my typewriter as I sit at my desk. I don't even like her...I don't- I can't. I think to myself. But can't I? No...I can't. Not anymore.

I sigh and stare at the empty page, knowing I wouldn't be able to write until I figure this out. I reluctantly cross the room to my bed and sit on it, glancing at thing. "...I know I have to talk to her-" I say. "I just...can't" i say blankly as I lay on my back, staring at the ceiling.

You can't like her...there's not even a chance she likes me- she wouldn't like someone like me. And she wouldn't want to be with me anyway...not now that she knows about that night.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts by thing, watching as he tells me to 'just try to talk to her'. I stare at him blankly before looking back at the ceiling. I wish i could.

A/n: hi...um, I'm back:) sorry I haven't been able to update recently but school has been really stressful lately:/ I hope I can update more tho, love you guys so much<3333333 already working on pt 2 and a few other imagines

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