Soft spot(WA)

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Just a little something I thought up while I should be sleeping:) enjoy my loves<33

No one's pov

Wednesday. The 'heartless' goth girl who could never love anyone. That's what everyone thought of her. No one expected her to fall in love. But to be fair she didn't expect it either. But Wednesday knew her hard, heartless exterior had cracked as soon as she saw her set foot in nevermore.

Y/n l/n, she looked like any other vampire a nevermore. But little did she know she had one of the rarest powers. She had the power to make Wednesday Addams have a soft spot

Wednesdays pov

Y/n, mi amor, cara mia, mi reina, mi amada. There are so many things I wish I could call her.
No Wednesday, don't think like this, it's not appropriate. Bus isn't it? Isn't it appropriate to love? To fall in love? "Hey roomie!" Enids voice sounded, cutting like a knife through my thoughts. "Have you seen the new gi-" "y/n" I finished for her. She looked at me curiously.

"Yeah...y/n" she said mumbling. She glanced up at me and gasped. She squealed, I grimaced and glared at her. "What?" I snapped. "O. M. G. You're totally blushing right now!" Enid exclaimed.

I stood swiftly from my chair, walking to the mirror in our room. I glanced at my face, a red hue spread across it's usually pale color. I glared toward Enid, who faltered, her happy mood quickly changing to a mix of fear and...curiosity?

I was about to ask Enid why she was looking at me in this peculiar way when a knock at the door sounded, making us both turn toward the door. Weems entered (without knocking as usual) with y/n by her side. She was wearing a hoodie and a pair of shorts, a book tucked under her arm. I gulped back the lump in my throat as Weems asked Enid to give y/n a tour.

I opened my mouth to protest but she had already dragged y/n out the door and down the hallway. Weems smiled at me before turning and leaving. I sighed and made my way to my typewriter. Viper seems to have found a love interest. I thought grimly.

Y/ns pov

Who was she? That beautiful girl. Black braids, beautiful face, pale skin. I made a mental note to ask Enid who that was sometime during the tour. Enid looked at me curiously. "You look distracted...what are you thinking about?" She questioned me. "Uh...that girl." I said, and Enids eyes lit up. "Oh! You mean Wednesday?!" She asked. "Well, if that's who that girl was, then yes." I replied my eyes sparkling.

Enid suddenly lifted my sunglasses off my face. Seeing my eyes sparkle made her grin. I grimaced. "Hey! You're not supposed to take those off." I grumbled. "Oh relax, Yoko let's me do it all the time." She replied sarcastically. I chuckled. It seemed I already made a friend at this school. And maybe even a lover?

A/n: ik this one's a little shorter and unfinished but dw cuz I'm planning on turning this into a series or maybe a new book🤔 but feel free to request ideas for chapters/parts in the future<333

Jenna Ortega imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now