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Lily's ( POV)

Hello! My name is Lilly. I am 17 years old and I am an foster kid. Ever since I got adopted I live with my step parent and my parent have a girl her name is Lucy. You see I didn't had a good childhood at the orphanage. It was horrible and terrifiying but my life didn't change at all. My step parent don't like me at all. But it's ok is better than the orphanage. But... I am not happy. Oh! There is something that I am hiding from them well I am a little. Being a little help me with stress and forget my past anyway. Today is the first day of school and I am so excited It is morning and I am sleeping a little more coz I couldn't sleep last night because I was so excited. As I was sleeping I felt a hand on my shoulder when I open my eyes it was my step mom.

Step Mom : Wake up your late ( cold tone)

Lilly : ( Check her phone ) Mom is six in the morning school start at eight I am not late don't worry. ( try to sleep again)

Third POV : Lilly's step mom was so annoyed because of Lilly's action and talk backing so she pull Lilly's blanket and start yell at her.

Step Mom : How dare you talk back to me huh? We gave you everything and that's how you thank's us? Wake up now!

Third POV : After Lilly hear that she sit on her bed. And the step mom keep going.

Step mom : ( get close to Lilly's face) Oh! And I am not worry about you. You have to make breakfast that's why I am here NOW HURY UP before I drag you to the kitchen by your hair.  ( stare at Lilly and leave the room)

Third POV : Lilly tear up her heart was broken she was nice all the time she always help her step mom with everything she love her step mom, step dad, and her step sister even though they were so mean to her but she still like them. As Lilly was crying Lilly's step mom call her name again.

LAZY ASS! ( yell from downstair.)

To Be Continue...

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