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TW Swearing bad grammar and spelling mistakes no angst

Darius POV

i was packing until i felt bens hand touch my shoulder "Oh fu(k oh fu(k" i think to myself as my (FACE) cheeks turn red

-like 10 hrs later-

"Alr were done packing" kenji says "its literally dark out" yaz points out "then we'll go in the morning" kenji says "im gonna keep watch we dont want a compi messing up our stuff or another dinosaur like eating it or smth" ben says "ben you need to sleep ill keep watch" yaz says "yeah you need to sleep" i say "ok fine" he says im so excited to finally get off this island!!


I hear darius tossing and turning trying to sleep he eventually stops and goes to sleep i have a hard time sleeping.

-in the middle of the night-

I still cant sleep but just then i hear darius shoot up and i feel his head hit the bottom of my bunk "ow g0dammit" i hear him say "are u alright darius" j whisper to him "oh uh yeah sorry if j woke you up" he says "i havent gone to sleep yet" i tell him "oh uh okay" he responds

Darius POV

"Oh uh okay" i say "uhm ben?" I say hesitantly "mhm?" "Can i uh.. actually nevermind it doesnt matter" i say "no just tell me" he says "can i uh sleep in ur bed?" I say hesitantly "ofc come here" he says i climb to his bunk and he holds onto me i hold onto him too burying my head into his chest

275 words

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