"When I say 'Go', lightly freeze the sidewalk in front of the man," I instruct, taking my arrow and notching it on my bow. "Then, she will slip, and he will hopefully catch her. That's when I shoot between them, and bam! Love at first sight," I dramatically finish, watching my arrow change from silver to a bright pink.

"Wow, I mean, I knew that was a thing but never thought I'd get to see it happen to someone else," Jack nods, making me pause.

He knows it's a thing?

"Wait, so you've experienced--" My eyes shift to the two, and I notice it was time. "Oh! Go!" I yell, making him jump as he quickly jumps off his staff, waving it and freezing the sidewalk as I aim.

The man looks up with a gasp as the woman slips backwards, making him lunge forward to grab her. He slips with her, managing to grab her and twist their bodies so he fell on the hard ground while she fell onto him.

"Oh! That's gotta hurt," Jack flinches, shaking his head. "Guess I overdid the frost. Sorry--"

I cut him off by shaking my head, gently exhaling as I pull the arrow back. Jack looks at the couple as I grin at his expression, his eyes curious as a small smile forms on his face.

The man's cell phone clatters onto the floor as the woman gasps, frantically apologizing as the man groans and opens his eyes.


I let my arrow loose, and smile as it twirls in the air and forms a heart around the two before disappearing.

The two make eye contact, the woman pausing her rambling as she begins to blush, slowly rising to her feet as the man sits up, bashfully grinning as he rubs the back of his head. She takes his hand, helping him up and apologizing once more as he picks up his cell phone. The man laughs as she continues apologizing, promising to buy him a new phone. She takes his cracked phone, putting in her number.

He blushes as she smiles sweetly at him, their bus coming into view.

"Good thing you stopped her," I snort, shaking my head as the two get on the bus, sitting side by side as they talk. "She would have walked right past the bus stop."

"Yeah," Jack laughs as we watch the bus pull off. "So... what will happen to them now?"

"Well... I don't know," I reply, my bow disappearing. "I assume they'll become closer as time passes, and eventually start dating, and... go from there."

Jack nods slowly, frowning as he watches the bus. "You mean you've never watched it happen?"

I don't speak for a moment, my eyes watching the bus driving away as I sigh.

"It'd be too painful to watch something I could never have," I quietly respond, making him look at me with confusion.

He opens his mouth to respond before I quickly cut him off, noticing Sandy's magic slowly forming, its golden glow lighting the area.

"Right on time, Sandy," I grin, watching the bright yellow strands of sand dance around.

Jack chuckles before flying in the air, pausing and waiting for me as I quickly sprout my wings and fly after him. He taps one of the strands, making a dolphin appear. It flips and jumps around, spinning around us before flying off.


Third Person P.O.V

Cupcake sleeps peacefully in her bedroom, Sandman's magic forming above her head as she happily smiles.

Her dream was of her riding a unicorn, the unicorn bouncing happily with each step.

A voice suddenly laughs maliciously, and Pitch appears from the shadows.

I See You (Jack Frost x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now