Jack Frost and Cupid

Start from the beginning

"That's what you said about aliens," Claude shrugs, watching Sophie sing and run around the porch.

"And the Easter Bunny!" Caleb laughs, smacking his knee and gaining Jack's attention.

"The Easter Bunny is real," Jamie replies firmly, glaring at the two.

"Oh, he's real all right," Jack snorts, balancing his staff on his shoulders as he walks along the fence, not noticing his friend. "Real annoying, real grumpy, and really full of himself."

"Oh, come on," (Y/N) laughs, making Jack yelp as he nearly loses his balance.

The kids pause as the fence rattles by itself, shrugging as they continue talking.

"I bet you and him would get along if you talked more," (Y/N) continues with a small smirk of amusement, remaining in the air as her wings slowly flutter behind her.

"Come on! You guys will believe in anything!" Claude shakes his head, laughing as his brother pushes him.

Jack watches her for a few moments, clearing his throat with a sheepish grin as he shrugs.

"Tell that to him," Jack nervously grins, standing straight as she lands on the fence beside him, her wings disappearing. "Now, fancy meeting you here."

"Mhm," she replies with a smile as she watches Sophie play, her eyes shifting to Jack. "What are you doing here, anyway? Don't you have to bring winter to other places besides Burgess?"

"What, can't I see my favorite Cupid?" Jack flirtatiously questions, making (Y/N) snort.

Her eyebrow raises as she softly snorts. "Jack, I'm the only Cupid you know."

"Not the point!" Jack states firmly and shrugs in response, "You're still my favorite."

"Easter Bunny! Hop, hop, hop!" Sophie's voice gains their attention, hopping down the stairs before falling as Abby rams into her. "Ow!"

(Y/N) gasps and jumps from the fence, kneeling besides the sobbing girl as Jack watches with a small grin, leaning against his staff.

"Mom, Sophie fell again," Jamie sighs, slightly struggling to carry his sled.

(Y/N) watches Sophie with a frown of concern as she sobs, Jack stepping closer and squatting down next to her.

"I'm sure she's fine, (Y/N). Kids are... you know... sometimes dramatic." Jack softly speaks to reassure her, bumping his arm against hers as (Y/N) hums softly in response.

"You okay, Soph?" Their Mom softly questions, the girl only sniffling in response as Abby places a ball near the girl. "Jamie! Hat," she calls, making him pause with a sigh. "We don't want Jack Frost nipping at your nose."

This gains (Y/N) and Jack's attention, making them pause their conversation as they listen.

"Who's Jack Frost?" Jamie questions, a slight mocking tone in his voice as he raises his hat.

"No one, dear. It's like that saying on Valentine's Day... 'Careful! Cupid's on the hunt today'. They're no one, it's just an expression." His mom nonchalantly replies, waving her hand dismissively.

"Hey!" Jack snaps, glaring as the Mom walks past the two.

"Man... what does that even mean? I don't 'hunt' anyone... I mean, yeah, I shoot them with an arrow but-- ugh. Never mind," (Y/N) sighs, watching the three rush off as Jack hops from the fence.

"Who's Jack Frost?" He mocks Jamie, gathering some snow and forming a ball. "Oh! They're no one!" Jack makes his voice higher as he mocks their Mom.

"Jack," (Y/N) warns, making him smirk at her as he frosts the snowball over with his magic.

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