43. Hey There, Delilah

Start from the beginning

"Everyone, hands on the boot, and in a circle..." he remarks. Everyone places a hand on the boot, with an overwhelming white flash, they begin spinning through the air.

Harry, Hermione, and the Weasley teen's crash onto the ground. Amara fell roughly onto the grass, as Cedric rushed over to give her a hand.

"Careful, darling." Cedric commented, lending a hand to the girl on the ground. Amara gratefully accepted, and landed roughly into the man's hardened chest.

She looked up to Cedric's stormy eyes as her breathing hitched. A smile crossed her delicate features. "Thank you, Ced."

"Anything for you, beautiful."

Amara smiled, and walked away. She waited at the tents.

Amara was nestled in the heart of a sea of multi-colored tents, cast under the twilight veil that had blanketed the Quidditch World Cup. The scent of damp earth blended with the distant aroma of exotic foods from a multitude of cultural stalls. She stood tall amidst the bewitching chaos, her gaze vigilantly scouring the horizon for two familiar figures.

Finally, she spotted a figure easily recognized—Aunt Delilah, with her vivid dark curls and red lips was unmistakable. A few paces behind her was Uncle Regulus, a dark-haired man with an aura of quiet fortitude about him.

Upon seeing Amara, Delilah's lips curled into a warm smile as she waved enthusiastically. Regulus, maintaining his composed demeanor, raised his hand in silent acknowledgement.

"Amara, how delightful you look!" Aunt Delilah exclaimed, enveloping Amara in a comforting hug, her brightly-coloured robe wafting a smell of home.

Uncle Regulus, who was conservationist of words, simply squeezed her shoulder in greeting, his smile genuine. He turned his attention to a small drawstring sack that he carefully placed on the ground.

"Stand back, Amara," Regulus beckoned. With a flick of his wand and a firm "Erecto Maxima!", what appeared to be an unremarkable sack transformed into a palatial tent, deceptively large for its original size.

Amazed, and not for the first time, at the practical magic of her world, Amara glanced at Regulus with sparkling eyes. "Uncle, that's amazing! The tent, it is so...enormous! You are truly a master of Undetectable Extension Charms."

Regulus chuckled, a rare sound that rang sweet to Amara's ears. "It's all in the wrist, dear niece."

Delilah, overhearing Amara's praise, chimed in, "Oh yes, Regulus may be a man of few words, but when it comes to magical craftsmanship, he deserves an award."

Regulus shrugged nonchalantly at his wife's compliment but the glint in his eyes revealed a hint of pride.

Amara laughed, her heart swelling with affection for the two adults who had become more than simply relatives. They were her rock, guiding her through the hectic world of magic. "Shall we go inside?" she suggested, eyeing the grand entrance of the tent.

Delilah agreed brightly, "Yes, darling, let's. We've both been looking forward to a hot cup of tea and a sit-down."

Inside, Amara held a cup of steaming hot cocoa warmed her hands as she sat in the vibrant, bustling tent at the world Quidditch tournament. Aunt Delilah, donned in brilliant blue with a matching headscarf that fluttered in the evening breeze, chatted animatedly about the performances. Uncle Regulus, charmed by his wife's excitement, listened attentively, throwing in his thoughts every now and then.

Suddenly, something shifted. Uncle Regulus turned to Delilah, his eyes glimmering mischievously, a soft smile playing on his lips. He clasped her hands and turned to face Amara, the corners of his mouth twitching as he struggled to hold back a grin.

"My dearest girl, we have a... bit of an... announcement," he began, his voice lower and thicker than usual.

"Uncle Reg?" Amara watched curiously, her eyes shifting to Delilah.

"Yes," Aunt Delilah chimed, her voice trembling with emotion and her hand tightening around hers and Regulus's entwined fingers. "We, um... we are..."

Regulus, still grinning, gave a re-assuring squeeze to Delilah's hand, gently nudging her to continue.

"We're going to have a baby," Delilah said finally, her voice barely a whisper. Despite the pulsing crowd and roaring spectators that surrounded them, her words echoed in the tent.

Amara froze, the words sinking into her. "A baby?" she questioned, her voice a small squeak in her shock.

"Yes, darling," Delilah confirmed, tears welling in her eyes. "After all these years, we're finally having a baby."

Amara's face was a picture of exquisite surprise. Suddenly a great peal of joy broke from her, her eyes welling up with happiness. She leapt from her chair and threw her arms around Delilah.

"Really?" she shrieked, hugging Aunt Delilah so tightly that she gasped.

"Yes, really," Uncle Regulus said, laughter rumbling from his chest.

Amara pulled back from her aunt and laughed, tears of joy streaming down her face. "I'm so happy for you guys," she said, reaching out to grasp Uncle Regulus's hand as well. "This is... you're going to be amazing parents."

Aunt Delilah broke into sobs then, although her face was glowing brighter than ever before. Uncle Regulus had his arm wrapped around Delilah, his laughter bright and joyous in the cool evening.

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