Chapter 9: The Hollyberrian Princess(es)

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Hey there, UltraSmasher here! 

I have finally finished my master college studies, so now I can focus on my fanfics! 

I'm still debating whether or not I should add Black Pearl Cookie into the harem, because even though she's likely several centuries old, she may looked young enough to pass off as a teenager.

I know I've been away for so long in the past few months due to my studies,  but now I've finished it and I'm back to writing. But still, don't expect me to update it consistently, because it ultimately depends on my mood at the time.

Anyway, enjoy the story!


3rd Person POV

In front of the Cookie Castle, Clover Cookie is playing his lute. He then paused when he saw the readers.

Clover: In this chapter, the nameless Cookie has entered this castle in order to learn the way of the sword. But today, he'll also learn more about the jolly little princess and her connections with a fellow Ancient Hero.

He resumed playing his lute as we enter the castle doors.



Me: S-so...... How long have you been working here? Princess Cookie said you've been in this castle ever since GingerBrave founded this kingdom.

I asked Butler Cookie as we, and the castle maids walked along the large (yes, again, large) corridor.

Butler: We actually hailed from Hollyberry Kingdom. I am the head butler serving under the family of House Royal Berry.

Me: Royal..... Berry?

Butler: House Royal Berry was founded by King Royal Berry Cookie, who is the father of Princess Cookie and thus the king of Hollyberry Kingdom, ruling alongside his wife, Queen Jungleberry Cookie.

Me: "So Princess Cookie is born from Hollyberry Kingdom? Who knew?"

As we walked down the hallway, Butler Cookie held out a family picture, showing Hollyberry Cookie along with two young adult Cookies, with the Ancient Heroine holding two baby Cookies, with the pink haired crying one presumably being Princess Cookie. One is a male pink Cookie with short pink hair presumably Royal Berry Cookie, is dressed in a pink cape, crown, and pink regal suit. The king is holding hands with a female Cookie with teal hair styled in spiral pigtails, presumably Jungleberry Cookie, dressed in a teal royal gown, tiara, and white gloves.

 The king is holding hands with a female Cookie with teal hair styled in spiral pigtails, presumably Jungleberry Cookie, dressed in a teal royal gown, tiara, and white gloves

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